// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 943 Avenue C owned by redacted-o9 in Bayonne, Hudson County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 943 Avenue C, Bayonne, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0901_88_28

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 943 Avenue C, Bayonne, New Jersey
County: Hudson
Block: 88, Lot: 28
Assessment (2023): $465,000
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 13,971
Area: 4918.66 acres
Perimeter: 23.79 miles
Population 2020: 71686
Pop Density 2020: 9328/sq-mi

29 neighbors in Bayonne whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.679784708181-74.1086042037660901_92_28929 Avenue Credacted-o8$479,600$12,867
40.679784741891-74.1077148119560901_89_43936 Avenue Credacted-o8$372,000$9,980
40.67984244581-74.1076660692130901_89_42938 Avenue Credacted-o8$441,700$11,850
40.679910909074-74.1076080647280901_89_41940 Avenue Credacted-o8$477,100$12,800
40.679993287469-74.1075142225030901_89_40942 Avenue Credacted-o8$677,800$18,185
40.68001017193-74.1084143272150901_88_25931-933 Avenue Credacted-o8$629,100$16,878
40.680081258257-74.1075052462550901_89_39946 Avenue Credacted-o8$442,400$11,869
40.680124673535-74.1083170962840901_88_26935-937 Avenue Credacted-o8$543,900$14,592
40.68017605121-74.1085879897720901_88_2467 W 43rd Stredacted-o8$514,400$13,801
40.680217943574-74.1086730897530901_88_2369 W 43rd Stredacted-o8$365,900$9,817
40.680219465438-74.1082367421870901_88_27941 Avenue Credacted-o8$651,900$17,490
40.680246130079-74.1087310693690901_88_2271 W 43rd Stredacted-o8$355,100$9,527
40.680293953112-74.108828841380901_88_2175 W 43rd Stredacted-o8$516,900$13,868
40.680295512197-74.1081725205650901_88_28943 Avenue Credacted-o8$465,000$12,475
40.680373442159-74.1081061160620901_88_29945 Avenue Credacted-o8$442,100$11,861
40.680397647241-74.1083746230480901_88_3068 W 44th Stredacted-o8$332,900$8,931
40.680434856557-74.1084518290670901_88_3170 W 44th Stredacted-o8$372,400$9,991
40.680472505616-74.1085282683890901_88_3272 W 44th Stredacted-o8$414,400$11,118
40.680509800595-74.1086040244730901_88_3374 W 44th Stredacted-o8$431,000$11,563
40.680546480032-74.1086800178740901_88_3476 W 44th Stredacted-o8$369,500$9,913
40.680578899899-74.1079222532960901_84_25947 Avenue Credacted-o8$414,200$11,112
40.680583538301-74.1087554922810901_88_3578 W 44th Stredacted-o8$351,100$9,420
40.680620336709-74.1088302295480901_88_3680 W 44th Stredacted-o8$310,700$8,336
40.680637016944-74.1078743923230901_84_26949 Avenue Credacted-o8$435,700$11,689
40.680690037249-74.1078172276670901_84_27951 Avenue Credacted-o8$399,300$10,463
40.680747263014-74.1077695324650901_84_28953 Avenue Credacted-o8$344,200$9,234
40.680767410923-74.108046828390901_84_2467 W 44th Stredacted-o8$587,300$15,757
40.680805761257-74.1081392460060901_84_2369 W 44th Stredacted-o8$300,600$8,065
40.680842920188-74.1082147904940901_84_2271 W 44th Stredacted-o8$455,800$11,979

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