// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 12 W 3rd St owned by redacted-o9 in Bayonne, Hudson County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 12 W 3rd St, Bayonne, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0901_369_54

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 12 W 3rd St, Bayonne, New Jersey
County: Hudson
Block: 369, Lot: 54
Assessment (2023): $353,000
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 13,971
Area: 4918.66 acres
Perimeter: 23.79 miles
Population 2020: 71686
Pop Density 2020: 9328/sq-mi

28 neighbors in Bayonne whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.647696658036-74.1285995154340901_369_2863 Broadwayredacted-o8$526,300$13,870
40.647777087785-74.1285229819360901_369_2963 Broadwayredacted-o8$436,900$11,472
40.647896697474-74.1295226583130901_369_4221 Marion Ctredacted-o8$312,000$8,370
40.647898034887-74.1294342050540901_369_4319 Marion Ctredacted-o8$313,200$8,403
40.647899148367-74.1293221822390901_369_4417 Marion Ctredacted-o8$293,300$7,619
40.647900831514-74.1291515116270901_369_459-11 Marion Ctredacted-o8$461,900$12,392
40.647902740652-74.1289704751920901_369_465 Marion Ctredacted-o8$364,000$9,766
40.647904066061-74.1288454716320901_369_471 Marion Ctredacted-o8$305,200$8,188
40.647939001582-74.1286042473850901_369_481a Marion Ctredacted-o8$383,500$10,289
40.648052012312-74.128547038760901_369_4975 Broadwayredacted-o8$450,300$12,081
40.648122289777-74.1285476837140901_369_5077 Broadwayredacted-o8$343,200$9,208
40.648180262804-74.1295245608650901_369_5926 W 3rd Stredacted-o8$373,500$10,021
40.648181367548-74.1294285209070901_369_5824 W 3rd Stredacted-o8$444,300$11,920
40.648182453437-74.1293295631370901_369_5722 W 3rd Stredacted-o8$484,700$12,754
40.648183983881-74.1291899779640901_369_5618-20 W 3rd Stredacted-o8$517,900$13,895
40.648185500796-74.1290517104490901_369_55.0216 W 3rd Stredacted-o8$401,700$10,777
40.648186531243-74.128957718010901_369_55.0114 W 3rd Stredacted-o8$629,600$16,892
40.648187640536-74.1288581720901_369_5412 W 3rd Stredacted-o8$353,000$9,470
40.648204900604-74.1287555193650901_369_5310 W 3rd Stredacted-o8$321,200$8,617
40.648208774839-74.1285318815810901_369_5179 Broadwayredacted-o8$308,600$8,029
40.648312231248-74.1285334111950901_369_5281 Broadwayredacted-o8$456,800$12,255
40.648566662579-74.1289058821510901_355_222 Story Ctredacted-o8$394,500$10,334
40.648578457934-74.1285440668160901_355_183 Broadwayredacted-o8$489,800$13,141
40.648590658398-74.1294453201930901_354_723 W 3rd Stredacted-o8$457,200$12,266
40.64863979972-74.1289068357550901_355_214 Story Ctredacted-o8$356,700$9,570
40.648666470652-74.1285461262720901_355_287 Broadwayredacted-o8$457,500$12,274
40.648693966523-74.1294445244430901_354_85 Story Ctredacted-o8$424,100$11,378
40.648710157179-74.1289082915740901_355_206 Story Ctredacted-o8$386,500$10,369

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