// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 339 Glover St owned by redacted-o9 in Woodbury, Gloucester County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 339 Glover St, Woodbury, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0822_66_20

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 339 Glover St, Woodbury, New Jersey
County: Gloucester
Block: 66, Lot: 20
Assessment (2024): $145,500
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 3,855
Area: 1346.37 acres
Perimeter: 8.10 miles
Population 2020: 9963
Pop Density 2020: 4736/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Woodbury whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.834069058299-75.1597901587960822_66_22356 Morris Stredacted-o8$143,000$6,635
39.833946528955-75.1597184534370822_66_23360 Morris Stredacted-o8$161,200$7,479
39.834176871195-75.1596159709940822_66_10.01348 Morris Stredacted-o8$99,700$4,626
39.834241895986-75.1595874827630822_66_10346 Morris Stredacted-o8$92,800$4,305
39.834339559829-75.1595446967380822_66_9344 Morris Stredacted-o8$132,400$6,143
39.833926328153-75.1594897306190822_66_24112 Penn Stredacted-o8$125,200$5,809
39.834469609271-75.159487721920822_66_8338 Morris Stredacted-o8$147,000$6,820
39.834599659145-75.1594307467170822_66_7332 Morris Stredacted-o8$127,500$5,916
39.834729708983-75.1593737716830822_66_6326 Morris Stredacted-o8$145,900$6,769
39.833851434917-75.1593288491730822_66_25108 Penn Stredacted-o8$142,300$6,602
39.834013966911-75.159257515550822_66_25.01349 Glover Stredacted-o8$156,300$7,252
39.834096617888-75.1591719188320822_66_21345 Glover St M15redacted-o8$128,100$5,693
39.833770031899-75.1591709022410822_66_26104 Penn Stredacted-o8$119,500$5,544
39.834226691684-75.1591150356520822_66_20339 Glover Stredacted-o8$145,500$6,751
39.834356765177-75.1590581522590822_66_19333 Glover Stredacted-o8$162,000$7,516
39.834486838933-75.1590012688750822_66_18329 Glover Stredacted-o8$117,500$5,452
39.834616912525-75.1589443848430822_66_17325 Glover Stredacted-o8$153,700$7,131
39.834714467461-75.1589017214010822_66_16321 Glover Stredacted-o8$130,900$6,073
39.833748334852-75.1588121949250822_67_1948 Penn Stredacted-o8$133,200$6,180
39.833956039602-75.1586368085690822_67_6344 Glover Stredacted-o8$135,400$6,282
39.833691470171-75.1585957420310822_67_2046 Penn Stredacted-o8$21,000$974
39.834086166822-75.1585802113390822_67_5.01338 Glover Stredacted-o8$116,700$5,414
39.834216092572-75.1585227714140822_67_5336 Glover Stredacted-o8$105,100$4,876
39.834346258676-75.1584661563270822_67_4330 Glover Stredacted-o8$132,500$6,148
39.834476331282-75.1584092720660822_67_3324 Glover Stredacted-o8$21,100$979

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