// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 721 Quest Ct owned by redacted-o9 in Mantua Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 721 Quest Ct, Mantua Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0810_61_1_C0721

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 721 Quest Ct, Mantua Township, New Jersey
County: Gloucester
Block: 61, Lot: 1, QCode: C0721
Assessment (2024): $252,900
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 6,618
Area: 10295.7 acres
Perimeter: 21.16 miles
Population 2020: 15235
Pop Density 2020: 947/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Mantua Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.786300933644-75.1828121479440810_61_1_C0740740 Quest Ctredacted-o8$253,800$6,466
39.786340523648-75.1828668586640810_61_1_C0738738 Quest Ctredacted-o8$219,100$5,582
39.78637092283-75.1829363408610810_61_1_C0736736 Quest Ctredacted-o8$265,100$6,754
39.786417750124-75.1829905026820810_61_1_C0734734 Quest Ctredacted-o8$276,000$7,032
39.786505077522-75.1826692510040810_61_1_C0723723 Quest Ctredacted-o8$227,900$5,806
39.786513129331-75.1830827281070810_61_1_C0732732 Quest Ctredacted-o8$256,500$6,535
39.786543819556-75.1826147638960810_61_1_C0721721 Quest Ctredacted-o8$252,900$6,443
39.786550680702-75.1831357643630810_61_1_C0730730 Quest Ctredacted-o8$219,000$5,580
39.786581448799-75.1832112802530810_61_1_C0728728 Quest Ctredacted-o8$247,600$6,308
39.786582161087-75.1825563665630810_61_1_C0719719 Quest Ctredacted-o8$217,200$5,534
39.78662348688-75.1832692168380810_61_1_C0726726 Quest Ctredacted-o8$257,100$7,277
39.786625616499-75.1825033906580810_61_1_C0717717 Quest Ctredacted-o8$238,500$6,076
39.786676337692-75.1824648614090810_61_1_C0715715 Quest Ctredacted-o8$230,500$5,873
39.786716800894-75.182415533240810_61_1_C0713713 Quest Ctredacted-o8$225,600$5,748
39.786793931554-75.1833222111110810_61_1_C0724724 Quest Ctredacted-o8$282,900$7,208
39.786835566796-75.1832714559510810_61_1_C0722722 Quest Ctredacted-o8$272,000$6,930
39.786869138522-75.1832068771940810_61_1_C0720720 Quest Ctredacted-o8$216,200$5,508
39.786913162889-75.1831532081040810_61_1_C0718718 Quest Ctredacted-o8$283,400$7,221
39.786937196361-75.1824363581650810_61_1_C0711711 Quest Ctredacted-o8$249,300$6,352
39.786980574639-75.1823867852990810_61_1_C0709709 Quest Ctredacted-o8$227,500$5,796
39.787002576346-75.1830488727080810_61_1_C0716716 Quest Ctredacted-o8$281,400$7,170
39.787019576954-75.1823321643090810_61_1_C0707707 Quest Ctredacted-o8$223,200$5,687
39.787038146371-75.1829822470380810_61_1_C0714714 Quest Ctredacted-o8$222,600$5,671
39.787058403329-75.182268509510810_61_1_C0705705 Quest Ctredacted-o8$272,200$6,935
39.787078271911-75.1829277987750810_61_1_C0712712 Quest Ctredacted-o8$202,700$5,164

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