// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. Rte 130 owned by redacted-o9 in Logan Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, Rte 130, Logan Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0809_3103_3

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: Rte 130, Logan Township, New Jersey
County: Gloucester
Block: 3103, Lot: 3
Assessment (2024): $16,500
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,962
Area: 16832.6 acres
Perimeter: 28.44 miles
Population 2020: 6000
Pop Density 2020: 228/sq-mi

24 neighbors on block 3103 in Logan Township

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.789753698012-75.3884172031410809_3103_1215 Rte 130redacted-o8$9,800$257
39.789711511275-75.3885865471530809_3103_2Rte 130redacted-o8$1,200$106
0809_3103_3Rte 130redacted-o8$16,500$277
39.787742650823-75.3845180015430809_3103_3_QFARMRte 130redacted-o8$13,700$267
39.788150452964-75.3911141416230809_3103_416 Jackson Stredacted-o8$153,700$2,064
39.787863917397-75.3909962042360809_3103_520 Jackson Stredacted-o8$136,100$2,046
39.787683363091-75.3909218895120809_3103_624 Jackson Stredacted-o8$48,700$826
39.787494959534-75.390844344060809_3103_726 Jackson Stredacted-o8$144,100$2,178
39.78719808405-75.390721650950809_3103_832 Jackson Stredacted-o8$210,800$2,727
39.786923325172-75.3906085648140809_3103_936 Jackson Stredacted-o8$194,000$2,514
39.786661652152-75.3905008652230809_3103_1042 Jackson Stredacted-o8$343,300$3,435
39.789032370273-75.3852938757990809_3103_15Rte 130redacted-o8$2,300$46
39.790561349721-75.3818231632450809_3103_16Rte 130redacted-o8$20,000$814
39.792006710997-75.3781900576330809_3103_17337 Rte 130redacted-o8$200,300$2,930
39.790424942032-75.378654262950809_3103_1829 Jefferson Lnredacted-o8$31,600$251
39.790204506058-75.3784421607440809_3103_1935 Jefferson Lnredacted-o8$133,200$1,493
39.789873799273-75.3781241416240809_3103_20Jefferson Lnredacted-o8$5,000$88
39.789763446378-75.3780183270830809_3103_2141 Jefferson Lnredacted-o8$167,600$1,905
39.789653093609-75.3779125134130809_3103_22Jefferson Lnredacted-o8$5,000$88
39.791648635602-75.3761558442840809_3103_23_QFARMRte 130redacted-o8$2,500$48
39.793161563348-75.3748350938270809_3103_26379 Rte 130redacted-o8$137,300$2,001
39.793329303186-75.3728419427260809_3103_28416 Rte 130redacted-o8$238,600$3,632
39.794214705655-75.3700706706830809_3103_29Rte 130redacted-o8$249,000$2,337
0809_3103_29_B01Rte 130redacted-o8$700$14

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