// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 121 Merle Ln owned by redacted-o9 in Logan Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 121 Merle Ln, Logan Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0809_2606_7

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 121 Merle Ln, Logan Township, New Jersey
County: Gloucester
Block: 2606, Lot: 7
Assessment (2024): $324,100
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,962
Area: 16832.6 acres
Perimeter: 28.44 miles
Population 2020: 6000
Pop Density 2020: 228/sq-mi

20 neighbors in Logan Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.749868087046-75.3550987725890809_2607_26128 Merle Lnredacted-o8$294,000$4,088
39.749706586308-75.3550236855240809_2607_25126 Merle Lnredacted-o8$352,800$4,805
39.749545280105-75.3549676019570809_2607_24124 Merle Lnredacted-o8$286,200$4,397
39.749386934551-75.3549088196540809_2607_23122 Merle Lnredacted-o8$320,100$4,409
39.74922643942-75.3548505029110809_2607_22120 Merle Lnredacted-o8$332,700$4,596
39.749063318833-75.3547893102330809_2607_21118 Merle Lnredacted-o8$298,400$4,152
39.749978827096-75.3546121710450809_2606_4127 Merle Lnredacted-o8$325,800$4,506
39.749814633306-75.3545435244980809_2606_5125 Merle Lnredacted-o8$329,300$4,817
39.749653118422-75.3544867677870809_2606_6123 Merle Lnredacted-o8$318,500$4,498
39.749494743509-75.3544281190610809_2606_7121 Merle Lnredacted-o8$324,100$4,576
39.749335609331-75.3543696804670809_2606_8119 Merle Lnredacted-o8$310,500$4,546
39.749176833567-75.3543035972720809_2606_9117 Merle Lnredacted-o8$349,000$4,852
39.749956115453-75.3542289984270809_2606_37134 Heidi Lnredacted-o8$325,700$4,496
39.749020885578-75.3542221477190809_2606_10115 Merle Lnredacted-o8$337,800$4,639
39.749797744135-75.3541703485340809_2606_36132 Heidi Lnredacted-o8$322,800$4,719
39.749639368817-75.3541117004740809_2606_35130 Heidi Lnredacted-o8$303,700$4,210
39.749479786213-75.3540536677380809_2606_34128 Heidi Lnredacted-o8$346,300$5,008
39.749316132586-75.3539897227290809_2606_33126 Heidi Lnredacted-o8$357,500$4,722
39.749153045113-75.3538993085240809_2606_32124 Heidi Lnredacted-o8$339,200$4,687
39.749008113914-75.3537817073810809_2606_31122 Heidi Lnredacted-o8$317,200$4,367

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