// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 320 Catalano Ln owned by redacted-o9 in Logan Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 320 Catalano Ln, Logan Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0809_2002_38

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 320 Catalano Ln, Logan Township, New Jersey
County: Gloucester
Block: 2002, Lot: 38
Assessment (2024): $291,700
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,962
Area: 16832.6 acres
Perimeter: 28.44 miles
Population 2020: 6000
Pop Density 2020: 228/sq-mi

21 neighbors in Logan Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.758761071434-75.3510658474430809_2001_45262 Lafayette Drredacted-o8$269,200$3,027
39.7591443391-75.350979526620809_2001_3818 Quail Ctredacted-o8$282,300$3,091
39.758696191831-75.3509317778870809_2001_46264 Lafayette Drredacted-o8$270,200$3,165
39.758146736709-75.3508867413860809_2002_35End Lafayette Drredacted-o8
39.758894596744-75.3508215218350809_2001_47319 Catalano Lnredacted-o8$267,300$2,881
39.758980778569-75.35072361280809_2001_48317 Catalano Lnredacted-o8$264,200$3,071
39.759042711932-75.3506532722920809_2001_49315 Catalano Lnredacted-o8$278,900$3,123
39.759128901931-75.3505553810310809_2001_50313 Catalano Lnredacted-o8$285,000$3,292
39.758513946556-75.3505415161290809_2002_36324 Catalano Lnredacted-o8$284,500$3,306
39.75860796625-75.3504309744290809_2002_37322 Catalano Lnredacted-o8$263,400$2,994
39.758670064908-75.3503608788230809_2002_38320 Catalano Lnredacted-o8$291,700$3,392
39.758756346388-75.35026309990809_2002_39318 Catalano Lnredacted-o8$276,100$3,218
39.758217929698-75.3502624206520809_2002_55362 New Castle Lnredacted-o8$473,000$6,737
39.758858535469-75.3501470374220809_2002_40316 Catalano Lnredacted-o8$283,200$3,079
39.758372974814-75.3500871151080809_2002_54364 New Castle Lnredacted-o8$560,700$7,587
39.758936467329-75.3500585244190809_2002_41314 Catalano Lnredacted-o8$273,200$3,193
39.758998400129-75.3499881830530809_2002_42312 Catalano Lnredacted-o8$286,400$3,167
39.759060332749-75.3499178415920809_2002_43310 Catalano Lnredacted-o8$280,800$3,294
39.758527623667-75.3499110929490809_2002_53366 New Castle Lnredacted-o8$451,900$6,228
39.759146522134-75.3498199492310809_2002_44308 Catalano Lnredacted-o8$286,000$3,129
39.758682060397-75.3497346606460809_2002_52368 New Castle Lnredacted-o8$447,500$6,423

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