// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 724 Elk Rd owned by redacted-o9 in Elk Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 724 Elk Rd, Elk Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0804_40_18

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 724 Elk Rd, Elk Township, New Jersey
County: Gloucester
Block: 40, Lot: 18
Assessment (2024): $61,000
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,630
Area: 12366.3 acres
Perimeter: 23.43 miles
Population 2020: 4424
Pop Density 2020: 229/sq-mi

27 neighbors on block 40 in Elk Township

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
0804_40_1899 Hardingville Rdredacted-o8$228,400$8,288
39.650703267695-75.1702224030850804_40_1_QFARMHardingville Rdredacted-o8$59,600$2,108
39.652576865705-75.1736218953650804_40_2859 Hardingville Rdredacted-o8$175,800$6,379
39.654887650376-75.1720026531190804_40_3851 Hardingville Rdredacted-o8$249,700$9,061
39.65545392464-75.1722089366430804_40_4845 Hardingville Rdredacted-o8$290,900$10,556
39.656104620081-75.172454699450804_40_5841 Hardingville Rdredacted-o8$205,900$6,972
39.656899743611-75.1731217554550804_40_7839 Hardingville Rdredacted-o8$289,100$10,491
0804_40_8835 Hardingville Rdredacted-o8$229,200$8,317
39.657338918118-75.171979522030804_40_8_QFARM835 Hardingville Rdredacted-o8$1,700$61
39.659562469294-75.1735532261390804_40_9.01602 Elk Rdredacted-o8$434,300$15,760
39.658878717076-75.1721222860580804_40_9.02610 Elk Rdredacted-o8$436,100$15,826
39.658692654803-75.1712662027240804_40_9.03614 Elk Rdredacted-o8$222,700$8,081
39.658531933565-75.1731227419630804_40_9.04833 Hardingville Rdredacted-o8$345,600$12,541
39.659459794362-75.1727574852310804_40_10606 Elk Rdredacted-o8$210,500$7,389
0804_40_11.01620 Elk Rdredacted-o8$417,200$15,140
39.657068635958-75.1700188789550804_40_11.01_QFARM620 Elk Rdredacted-o8$1,600$58
39.658563702897-75.1692932302150804_40_11.02680 Elk Rdredacted-o8$290,500$10,292
39.658137856627-75.168631336830804_40_12686 Elk Rdredacted-o8$320,500$11,630
39.656562869903-75.1682439160550804_40_14_QFARM692 Elk Rdredacted-o8$1,900$65
39.657650782044-75.1665253050770804_40_15698 Elk Rdredacted-o8$181,500$6,586
39.656356767293-75.165973584190804_40_16Elk Rdredacted-o8$15,800$573
39.654318152629-75.167343082610804_40_17S Of Elk Rdredacted-o8$56,500
0804_40_18724 Elk Rdredacted-o8$61,000$2,213
39.652451135793-75.1629694411750804_40_18_QFARMElk Rdredacted-o8$36,100$1,277
39.648621155186-75.164560769780804_40_19Elk Rdredacted-o8$110,600
39.64556570442-75.1691330625140804_40_21Hardingville Rdredacted-o8$3,100$112
39.647583076128-75.171300780440804_40_22_QFARMHardingville Rdredacted-o8$8,900$315

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