// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 26 Roseberry Ct owned by redacted-o9 in Deptford Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 26 Roseberry Ct, Deptford Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0802_127_26

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 26 Roseberry Ct, Deptford Township, New Jersey
County: Gloucester
Block: 127, Lot: 26
Assessment (2024): $134,800
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 13,311
Area: 11245.8 acres
Perimeter: 29.11 miles
Population 2020: 31977
Pop Density 2020: 1820/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Deptford Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.826595667768-75.1312843583050802_127_4444 Roseberry Ctredacted-o8$130,000$4,511
39.826285514979-75.1310521171610802_127_3333 Roseberry Ctredacted-o8$145,000$5,031
39.826240667101-75.1310023620460802_127_3232 Roseberry Ctredacted-o8$130,100$4,514
39.826205464025-75.1309366680130802_127_3131 Roseberry Ctredacted-o8$130,000$4,511
39.826173219331-75.1308828815910802_127_3030 Roseberry Ctredacted-o8$127,800$4,434
39.826129512516-75.1308334636980802_127_2929 Roseberry Ctredacted-o8$134,100$4,653
39.826074194597-75.1308062194290802_127_2828 Roseberry Ctredacted-o8$145,200$5,038
39.826596639291-75.1307983222560802_127_3737 Roseberry Ctredacted-o8$132,800$4,608
39.826564745738-75.1307340364960802_127_3636 Roseberry Ctredacted-o8$134,000$4,649
39.826514730132-75.1306921618060802_127_3535 Roseberry Ctredacted-o8$134,800$4,677
39.826473522625-75.1306471491820802_127_3434 Roseberry Ctredacted-o8$138,200$4,795
39.826032584717-75.1306285759710802_127_2727 Roseberry Ctredacted-o8$146,000$5,066
39.826075978516-75.1305902034490802_127_2626 Roseberry Ctredacted-o8$134,800$4,677
39.826104406482-75.1305252985450802_127_2525 Roseberry Ctredacted-o8$130,000$4,261
39.826129809496-75.1304532124940802_127_2424 Roseberry Ctredacted-o8$138,200$4,795
39.825861286681-75.1304293006820802_127_2020 Buckthorn Ctredacted-o8$130,600$4,531
39.825695158571-75.1304136821660802_127_1919 Buckthorn Ctredacted-o8$134,200$4,656
39.825910376373-75.1303894371050802_127_2121 Buckthorn Ctredacted-o8$127,000$4,406
39.826086819159-75.130365572630802_127_47Merrimac Rdredacted-o8
39.825666899962-75.1303472651430802_127_1818 Buckthorn Ctredacted-o8$120,500$4,181
39.825927251845-75.1303139276920802_127_2222 Buckthorn Ctredacted-o8$125,600$4,358
39.825621373856-75.130294674310802_127_1717 Buckthorn Ctredacted-o8$127,000$4,406
39.825962251334-75.1302607037340802_127_2323 Buckthorn Ctredacted-o8$134,000$4,649
39.825575752977-75.1302513244930802_127_1616 Buckthorn Ctredacted-o8$120,700$4,188
39.82658470147-75.1301195206840802_105_3Pacific Averedacted-o8$5,500$190

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