// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 1 South Valley Road owned by redacted-o9 in West Orange Township, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 1 South Valley Road, West Orange Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0722_38_13

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 1 South Valley Road, West Orange Township, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 38, Lot: 13
Assessment (2022): $240,900
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 14,972
Area: 7759.26 acres
Perimeter: 15.23 miles
Population 2020: 48843
Pop Density 2020: 4029/sq-mi

24 neighbors in West Orange Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.767579655039-74.2492050852030722_38_1913 South Valley Roadredacted-o8$191,600$8,342
40.76765968453-74.2491349440680722_38_1811 So. Valley Roadredacted-o8$275,700$12,003
40.767740875698-74.2490644891820722_38_179 So. Valley Roadredacted-o8$227,800$9,918
40.767789562645-74.2492109932090722_38_22Wellington Avenueredacted-o8$19,200
40.767815930773-74.2492811556950722_38_12Wellington Avenueredacted-o8$107,900
40.767822736021-74.2489921488950722_38_167 South Valley Roadredacted-o8$234,300$9,951
40.767904817947-74.2489192923410722_38_155 South Valley Roadredacted-o8$243,400$10,597
40.767929095846-74.2494630034880722_38_6126 Rollinson Streetredacted-o8$183,600$7,993
40.76798421808-74.248849577130722_38_143 So. Valley Roadredacted-o8$236,100$10,279
40.768002671106-74.2494044113010722_38_7124 Rollinson Streetredacted-o8$191,700$8,346
40.768060600717-74.24877973860722_38_131 South Valley Roadredacted-o8$240,900$10,488
40.768130753138-74.2492263844570722_38_10.012 Wellington Avenueredacted-o8$216,400$9,422
40.76817651664-74.2492583830450722_38_104 Wellington Avenueredacted-o8$205,000$8,925
40.768185270043-74.2484510673290722_29_15.0131 Cross Streetredacted-o8$257,300$11,202
40.768215158607-74.2493640104810722_38_96 Wellington Avenueredacted-o8$217,700$9,478
40.768269865716-74.2483893450930722_29_1429 Cross Streetredacted-o8$238,700$10,393
40.768342414251-74.2486229885090722_29_151 Wellington Avenueredacted-o8$248,100$10,802
40.768387547757-74.2483344131270722_29_1225 Cross Streetredacted-o8$307,800$13,401
40.76848471065-74.2487658280380722_29_16.013 Wellington Avenueredacted-o8$246,100$10,715
40.768495291141-74.2482810924420722_29_1123 Cross Streetredacted-o8$281,400$12,252
40.768535217946-74.2489542142860722_29_175 Wellington Avenueredacted-o8$226,300$9,853
40.768565747259-74.2482272188960722_29_1021 Cross Streetredacted-o8$209,000$9,099
40.768568900147-74.2490304831820722_29_187 Wellington Avenueredacted-o8$185,300$8,067
40.768605821098-74.2491060788420722_29_199 Wellington Avenueredacted-o8$210,500$9,165

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