// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 24 Osborne Place owned by redacted-o9 in West Orange Township, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 24 Osborne Place, West Orange Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0722_25_32

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 24 Osborne Place, West Orange Township, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 25, Lot: 32
Assessment (2022): $226,500
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 14,972
Area: 7759.26 acres
Perimeter: 15.23 miles
Population 2020: 48843
Pop Density 2020: 4029/sq-mi

24 neighbors in West Orange Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.77064698796-74.2463146148270722_25_1125 Nutman Placeredacted-o8$318,700$13,876
40.770726804546-74.2465661824480722_25_1227 Nutman Placeredacted-o8$280,000$12,191
40.770793220062-74.2468010690670722_25_1329 Nutman Placeredacted-o8$249,400$10,858
40.770855867357-74.246973233190722_25_1937 Nutman Placeredacted-o8$252,700$11,002
40.77090565478-74.2461764442360722_25_3616 Osborne Placeredacted-o8$228,800$9,961
40.770919246996-74.2471438751530722_25_2039 Nutman Placeredacted-o8$265,600$11,564
40.77096776403-74.2463701119780722_25_3518 Osborne Placeredacted-o8$256,000$11,146
40.77096937516-74.2473290397040722_25_2141 Nutman Placeredacted-o8$258,200$11,242
40.771015137638-74.2474724963580722_25_2243 Nutman Placeredacted-o8$243,100$10,584
40.771050749678-74.2466504658440722_25_3420 Osborne Placeredacted-o8$250,900$10,924
40.771060173389-74.2476144465210722_25_2345 Nutman Placeredacted-o8$260,000$11,320
40.771143028537-74.246891566860722_25_3224 Osborne Placeredacted-o8$226,500$9,861
40.771178631599-74.2470412160350722_25_3126 Osborne Placeredacted-o8$243,000$10,580
40.771223642708-74.2471842542660722_25_3028 Osborne Placeredacted-o8$259,000$11,276
40.771269402908-74.2473285048150722_25_2930 Osborne Placeredacted-o8$258,100$11,237
40.771314615025-74.2474720008470722_25_2832 Osborne Placeredacted-o8$273,900$11,925
40.771391976808-74.2463665598360722_24_819 Osborne Placeredacted-o8$268,400$11,686
40.771463490797-74.2465322404060722_24_22.01Osborne Placeredacted-o8$9,100
40.7714953753-74.2466343261230722_24_2223 Osborne Placeredacted-o8$251,100$10,932
40.771541468822-74.2468049027780722_24_2325 Osborne Placeredacted-o8$256,100$11,150
40.771588928911-74.2469568092460722_24_2427 Osborne Placeredacted-o8$274,300$11,943
40.771635945256-74.2471061920820722_24_2529 Osborne Placeredacted-o8$258,300$11,246
40.771639287154-74.2462541514520722_24_3824 Pillot Placeredacted-o8$291,100$12,674
40.771685086451-74.2472605393440722_24_2631 Osborne Placeredacted-o8$253,600$11,041

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