// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 1155 Pleasant Valley Way owned by redacted-o9 in West Orange Township, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 1155 Pleasant Valley Way, West Orange Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0722_171_12_X

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 1155 Pleasant Valley Way, West Orange Township, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 171, Lot: 12, QCode: X
Assessment (2022): $19,838,400
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 14,972
Area: 7759.26 acres
Perimeter: 15.23 miles
Population 2020: 48843
Pop Density 2020: 4029/sq-mi

19 neighbors on block 171 in West Orange Township

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.78223552897-74.2807465704060722_171_1Pleasant Valley Wayredacted-o8$18,818,100
40.783673562029-74.2784514853560722_171_3Pleasant Valley Wayredacted-o8$9,652,300
40.78374583252-74.2759369224630722_171_4Pleasant Valley Wayredacted-o8$500,000
40.785784041775-74.2769765109720722_171_101199 Pleasant Valley Wayredacted-o8$50,139,500$2,183,073
40.787533902397-74.2753697208170722_171_121155 Pleasant Valley Wayredacted-o8$1,074,000$46,761
0722_171_12_X1155 Pleasant Valley Wayredacted-o8$19,838,400
40.788867640812-74.275344262770722_171_218 Skyline Driveredacted-o8$579,500$25,231
40.788604998944-74.2754588332690722_171_2210 Skyline Driveredacted-o8$500,000$21,770
40.788209016635-74.2760723253330722_171_2314 Skyline Driveredacted-o8$565,400$24,617
40.788228172801-74.2764493826750722_171_2416 Skyline Driveredacted-o8$420,000$18,286
40.78831523866-74.2768374946670722_171_2518 Skyline Driveredacted-o8$527,900$22,984
40.788006840262-74.276991913350722_171_2622 Skyline Driveredacted-o8$558,500$24,317
40.787990986815-74.2775458172140722_171_2724 Skyline Driveredacted-o8$600,000$26,124
40.788255805914-74.2777395778670722_171_2821 Skyline Driveredacted-o8$650,000$28,301
40.788594903299-74.2774579562230722_171_2919 Skyline Driveredacted-o8$557,400$24,269
40.788841955794-74.2771688059730722_171_3017 Skyline Driveredacted-o8$685,000$29,824
40.788781023436-74.2767226506290722_171_3115 Skyline Driveredacted-o8$615,000$26,777
40.78872300323-74.2763522960440722_171_3211 Skyline Driveredacted-o8$620,000$26,994
40.788820493214-74.2760596417340722_171_339 Skyline Driveredacted-o8$640,000$27,865

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