// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 138 Watson Avenue owned by redacted-o9 in West Orange Township, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 138 Watson Avenue, West Orange Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0722_122_49

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 138 Watson Avenue, West Orange Township, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 122, Lot: 49
Assessment (2022): $270,200
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 14,972
Area: 7759.26 acres
Perimeter: 15.23 miles
Population 2020: 48843
Pop Density 2020: 4029/sq-mi

25 neighbors in West Orange Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.787703210699-74.2273622676820722_122_28153 High Streetredacted-o8$226,300$9,853
40.787705114493-74.2277509916950722_122_56154 Watson Avenueredacted-o8$255,100$11,107
40.78776979323-74.2277201044530722_122_55150 Watson Avenueredacted-o8$182,000$7,924
40.787833676661-74.227682661890722_122_54148 Watson Avenueredacted-o8$145,200$6,322
40.787842262085-74.2272911483030722_122_30149 High Streetredacted-o8$319,400$13,906
40.787890532827-74.228244623640722_123_4151 Watson Avenueredacted-o8$245,400$10,684
40.787930226379-74.2276356766410722_122_52144 Watson Avenueredacted-o8$337,000$14,672
40.787969862033-74.2272253925120722_122_32145 High Streetredacted-o8$277,800$12,095
40.788025788651-74.2275871302490722_122_51142 Watson Avenueredacted-o8$180,700$7,867
40.788072684423-74.2281498479530722_123_7147 Watson Avenueredacted-o8$204,100$8,886
40.788088390205-74.2271649588440722_122_34141 High Streetredacted-o8$226,300$9,853
40.78815426608-74.2275226693960722_122_49138 Watson Avenueredacted-o8$270,200$11,764
40.788170432277-74.2281006160780722_123_9143 Watson Avenueredacted-o8$246,000$10,710
40.78821531671-74.2270995961150722_122_36137 High Streetredacted-o8$228,200$9,935
40.788248571362-74.2280590813140722_123_10141 Watson Avenueredacted-o8$184,700$8,041
40.788248580864-74.2274702825830722_122_47134 Watson Avenueredacted-o8$238,900$10,401
40.788313721764-74.2280249453780722_123_11139 Watson Avenueredacted-o8$198,900$8,660
40.788343258403-74.2270347640750722_122_38High Street-Ridge Avenueredacted-o8$583,900
40.78834454895-74.2274216906790722_122_46132 Watson Avenueredacted-o8$165,000$6,934
40.788442280289-74.2273718181710722_122_44128 Watson Avenueredacted-o8$157,000$6,835
40.788471648085-74.2279433817880722_123_13133 Watson Avenueredacted-o8$254,800$11,093
40.788569887593-74.2278939124240722_123_15131 Watson Avenueredacted-o8$234,400$10,205
40.788571420877-74.227306963430722_122_4229 Ridge Avenueredacted-o8$450,000$19,593
40.78863300659-74.2278602147120722_123_16129 Watson Avenueredacted-o8$140,000$6,095
40.788693482473-74.2268556888480722_130_120 Ridge Avenueredacted-o8$322,000$14,019

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