// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 459 Willow Street owned by redacted-o9 in City of Orange Township, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 459 Willow Street, City of Orange Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0717_6302_14

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 459 Willow Street, City of Orange Township, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 6302, Lot: 14
Assessment (2022): $422,600
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 5,342
Area: 1417.7 acres
Perimeter: 7.24 miles
Population 2020: 34447
Pop Density 2020: 15551/sq-mi

23 neighbors in City of Orange Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.758924017201-74.2466714390620717_6401_45634 Lincoln Avenueredacted-o8$312,000$10,097
40.759024262155-74.247337672110717_6301_12641 Lincoln Avenueredacted-o8$4,715,000$104,040
40.759028805634-74.2465800499810717_6401_46632 Lincoln Avenueredacted-o8$263,900$8,039
40.759092652076-74.2465248127120717_6401_47628 Lincoln Avenueredacted-o8$297,500$9,987
40.759135277457-74.2475429109710717_6301_11470 Willow Streetredacted-o8$276,600$8,120
40.75915303884-74.2464745045870717_6401_48626 Lincoln Avenueredacted-o8$303,600$10,392
40.759217099614-74.2476923011160717_6301_10474 Willow Streetredacted-o8$270,800$8,167
40.759249747646-74.2464077450660717_6401_49620 Lincoln Avenueredacted-o8$285,100$9,132
40.759305943388-74.246978660150717_6302_14459 Willow Streetredacted-o8$422,600$13,814
40.759374870609-74.246327035750717_6401_50616 Lincoln Avenueredacted-o8$64,300$2,213
40.759381549709-74.2471193666540717_6302_15465 Willow Streetredacted-o8$310,000$12,265
40.759471900021-74.2472223824440717_6302_16469 Willow Streetredacted-o8$263,100$9,039
40.759516489452-74.2467396792570717_6302_13456 Laurel Streetredacted-o8$361,000$11,519
40.759528231413-74.2473867896370717_6302_17473 Willow Streetredacted-o8$258,100$7,594
40.759594612043-74.2468853147970717_6302_12462 Laurel Streetredacted-o8$266,800$8,513
40.759603181484-74.2475234362980717_6302_18477 Willow Streetredacted-o8$306,000$10,854
40.759659662799-74.2476264107050717_6302_19481 Willow Streetredacted-o8$241,000$7,727
40.759674743715-74.2469696676820717_6302_11466 Laurel Streetredacted-o8$247,800$7,947
40.75969767561-74.2476957153020717_6302_20483 Willow Streetredacted-o8$249,000$7,225
40.759714901454-74.2470428578180717_6302_10468 Laurel Streetredacted-o8$278,400$9,109
40.75973697818-74.2471447894620717_6302_9470 Laurel Streetredacted-o8$259,500$8,236
40.759787557386-74.2472352645770717_6302_8472 Laurel Streetredacted-o8$290,500$5,780
40.759836865439-74.2473268431660717_6302_7476 Laurel Streetredacted-o8$273,800$8,837

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