// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 555 Tremont Avenue #2 owned by redacted-o9 in City of Orange Township, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 555 Tremont Avenue #2, City of Orange Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0717_6103_14_C0002

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 555 Tremont Avenue #2, City of Orange Township, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 6103, Lot: 14, QCode: C0002
Assessment (2022): $373,200
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 5,342
Area: 1417.7 acres
Perimeter: 7.24 miles
Population 2020: 34447
Pop Density 2020: 15551/sq-mi

22 neighbors on block 6103 in City of Orange Township

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.762493915194-74.2485917601910717_6103_1560 Christopher Streetredacted-o8$750,000$13,872
40.762413055905-74.2484155881910717_6103_2552 Christopher Streetredacted-o8$156,800$5,005
40.762355603143-74.2482904132820717_6103_3546 Christopher Streetredacted-o8$223,700$6,699
40.762076003854-74.2481102062490717_6103_4538 Christopher Streetredacted-o8$1,376,900$34,680
40.761605134583-74.2482373625320717_6103_5534 Christopher Streetredacted-o8$399,800$12,716
40.761640075898-74.2483334421540717_6103_6533-535 Tremont Avenueredacted-o8$207,000$6,606
40.76166845778-74.2484122875790717_6103_7537 Tremont Avenueredacted-o8$195,800$6,340
40.761697296707-74.2484907814240717_6103_8539 Tremont Avenueredacted-o8$175,300$5,635
40.761729407066-74.2485739820830717_6103_9541 Tremont Avenueredacted-o8$206,800$6,635
40.761757484352-74.2486608668260717_6103_10543 Tremont Avenueredacted-o8$218,900$7,115
40.761788764792-74.2487422885510717_6103_11545 Tremont Avenueredacted-o8$232,700$7,548
40.761818503056-74.2488240577470717_6103_12549 Tremont Avenueredacted-o8$159,800$5,675
40.761863109157-74.2489467123880717_6103_13551 Tremont Avenueredacted-o8$196,400$7,710
40.761922584131-74.2491102514770717_6103_14555 Tremont Avenueredacted-o8
0717_6103_14_C0001555 Tremont Avenue #1redacted-o8$373,200$15,600
0717_6103_14_C0002555 Tremont Avenue #2redacted-o8$373,200$17,351
40.762052890215-74.2488203661570717_6103_15559 Tremont Avenueredacted-o8$433,000$20,131
40.7621147633-74.2487436748240717_6103_16582 Langdon Streetredacted-o8$297,000$9,814
40.762179447072-74.2486925008830717_6103_17578 Langdon Streetredacted-o8$225,700$6,976
40.762238251532-74.2486459764580717_6103_18576 Langdon Streetredacted-o8$211,600$5,733
40.762297055879-74.2485994518870717_6103_19572 Langdon Streetredacted-o8$181,200$5,496
0717_6103_20570 Langdon Streetredacted-o8$150,200$4,652

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