// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 192 Chapman Street owned by redacted-o9 in City of Orange Township, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 192 Chapman Street, City of Orange Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0717_3401_5

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 192 Chapman Street, City of Orange Township, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 3401, Lot: 5
Assessment (2022): $213,200
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 5,342
Area: 1417.7 acres
Perimeter: 7.24 miles
Population 2020: 34447
Pop Density 2020: 15551/sq-mi

22 neighbors in City of Orange Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.765581079358-74.2296906999940717_3401_11168 Chapman Streetredacted-o8$105,000$1,953
40.765621415782-74.2297902751280717_3401_10170 Chapman Streetredacted-o8$105,000$1,878
40.765669814839-74.2299097535410717_3401_9174 Chapman Streetredacted-o8$279,100$8,485
40.765715948376-74.2300176417470717_3401_8169-177 Central Avenueredacted-o8$640,000$14,450
40.765748591069-74.2301042248250717_3401_7184 Chapman Streetredacted-o8$291,600$8,993
40.7658034442-74.2302396380030717_3401_6190 Chapman Streetredacted-o8$330,800$10,496
40.765855727761-74.2303853630180717_3401_5192 Chapman Streetredacted-o8$213,200$6,953
40.766000590372-74.2305122967480717_3401_4199 Central Avenueredacted-o8$887,600$30,102
40.766038904948-74.2296680111450717_3402_34179 Chapman Streetredacted-o8$293,800$7,710
40.766075611505-74.2297588778850717_3402_35181 Chapman Streetredacted-o8$274,000$8,398
40.766101200509-74.2309504035180717_3401_3208 South Center Streetredacted-o8$2,040,000$49,130
40.766107809883-74.2298385850530717_3402_36183 Chapman Streetredacted-o8$289,100$9,045
40.76614000854-74.2299182921740717_3402_37185 Chapman Streetredacted-o8$297,100$9,097
40.766172206357-74.2299979994040717_3402_38187 Chapman Streetredacted-o8$288,200$8,651
40.766204404577-74.2300777065240717_3402_39189 Chapman Streetredacted-o8$394,400$13,444
40.766236602432-74.230157414590717_3402_40193 Chapman Streetredacted-o8$296,800$8,831
40.766269870015-74.2302397677360717_3402_41195 Chapman Streetredacted-o8$96,300$4,716
40.766304218983-74.230324799520717_3402_42197 Chapman Streetredacted-o8$92,000$1,890
40.766338567257-74.2304098321120717_3402_43199 Chapman Streetredacted-o8$35,300
40.766360014511-74.2296943102860717_3402_14186 Taylor Streetredacted-o8$275,400$10,415
40.766371834399-74.2304921860580717_3402_44203 Chapman Streetredacted-o8$116,600
40.766392192899-74.2297740324710717_3402_13188 Taylor Streetredacted-o8$90,000$1,878

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