// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 266 Mt Vernon Avenue owned by redacted-o9 in City of Orange Township, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 266 Mt Vernon Avenue, City of Orange Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0717_1204_7

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 266 Mt Vernon Avenue, City of Orange Township, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 1204, Lot: 7
Assessment (2022): $184,300
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 5,342
Area: 1417.7 acres
Perimeter: 7.24 miles
Population 2020: 34447
Pop Density 2020: 15551/sq-mi

25 neighbors in City of Orange Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.780050414073-74.2304112604180717_1205_7236 Mt Vernon Avenueredacted-o8$197,800$3,144
40.780094660172-74.2294698758920717_1204_31431 Parkinson Terraceredacted-o8$242,400$7,450
40.780127322961-74.2303484528790717_1205_8238 Mt Vernon Avenueredacted-o8$515,700$18,536
40.780128295724-74.2295816787420717_1204_32435 Parkinson Terraceredacted-o8$272,500$8,456
40.780214885089-74.2296667067740717_1204_33437 Parkinson Terraceredacted-o8$382,200$12,808
40.780266815123-74.2297709083880717_1204_34439 Parkinson Terraceredacted-o8$259,000$8,617
40.780301432903-74.230207493410717_1204_1246 Mt Vernon Avenueredacted-o8$396,100$12,796
40.780377343686-74.2301458408450717_1204_2250 Mt Vernon Avenueredacted-o8$227,800$12,005
40.780445287787-74.2300909460020717_1204_3252-54 Mt Vernon Avenueredacted-o8$422,000$13,773
40.780504281189-74.2300428408940717_1204_4258 Mt Vernon Avenueredacted-o8$274,100$8,941
40.78054563482-74.2291240665570717_1204_16422. A-C Lakeside Avenueredacted-o8
40.780556773624-74.2300001137630717_1204_5260 Mt Vernon Avenueredacted-o8$374,100$11,622
40.780578861899-74.2296992712050717_1204_7266 Mt Vernon Avenueredacted-o8$184,300$5,664
40.780583287693-74.229230081970717_1204_15424 Lakeside Avenueredacted-o8$289,100$10,409
40.780603518438-74.2299260960610717_1204_6264 Mt Vernon Avenueredacted-o8$185,800$8,323
40.780731459478-74.2297962480430717_1204_8268 Mt Vernon Avenueredacted-o8$444,000$14,947
40.78073840336-74.2292421793660717_1204_14428 Lakeside Avenueredacted-o8$289,300$9,820
40.78079145707-74.2293500153940717_1204_13432 Lakeside Avenueredacted-o8$323,600$12,843
40.78080381157-74.2297368335150717_1204_9272 Mt Vernon Avenueredacted-o8$250,500$13,126
40.780929673243-74.2296821162420717_1204_10442-448 Lakeside Avenueredacted-o8
40.780934469687-74.2304148404860717_1202_12261 Mt Vernon Avenueredacted-o8$308,500$10,334
40.780955758638-74.2294002711310717_1204_12436 Lakeside Avenueredacted-o8$313,800$9,970
40.78102206483-74.2303437147970717_1202_11263 Mount Vernon Avenueredacted-o8$449,500$14,681
40.781108166215-74.2296054011110717_1204_11440 Lakeside Avenueredacted-o8$520,700$17,051
40.781109660532-74.2302725893470717_1202_10269 Mt Vernon Avenueredacted-o8$281,200$9,271

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