// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 17 Bayard Street owned by redacted-o9 in Nutley Township, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 17 Bayard Street, Nutley Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0716_9302_9

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 17 Bayard Street, Nutley Township, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 9302, Lot: 9
Assessment (2022): $357,800
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 9,147
Area: 2189.41 acres
Perimeter: 7.94 miles
Population 2020: 30143
Pop Density 2020: 8811/sq-mi

20 neighbors in Nutley Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.808833338389-74.1554562059080716_9303_13234 Hancox Avenueredacted-o8$361,700$13,903
40.808850655541-74.1560076636310716_9302_1231 Bayard Streetredacted-o8$363,100$13,957
40.809006626948-74.155398189230716_9303_1426 Bayard Streetredacted-o8$338,600$13,015
40.80902799788-74.1559476208020716_9302_1127 Bayard Streetredacted-o8$295,400$11,355
40.809127717551-74.1553617874360716_9303_1524 Bayard Streetredacted-o8$247,600$9,517
40.809205566587-74.1558942419230716_9302_1019 Bayard Streetredacted-o8$430,300$16,540
40.809230744732-74.1553308155540716_9303_1620 Bayard Streetredacted-o8$265,500$10,205
40.809328420041-74.1553014523460716_9303_1718 Bayard Streetredacted-o8$288,900$11,105
40.809349403622-74.1558510027890716_9302_917 Bayard Streetredacted-o8$357,800$13,753
40.809426095353-74.1552720891330716_9303_1814 Bayard Streetredacted-o8$376,500$14,472
40.809449754999-74.1558208359220716_9302_815 Bayard Streetredacted-o8$259,000$9,955
40.80954319142-74.1552238901450716_9303_1912 Bayard Streetredacted-o8$260,100$9,998
40.809557553418-74.1557729956280716_9302_711 Bayard Streetredacted-o8$318,600$12,246
40.809750303398-74.1551312750360716_9303_2155 Conover Avenueredacted-o8$227,000$8,725
40.809751410446-74.1552814661040716_9303_14 Bayard Streetredacted-o8$313,700$12,058
40.809754244019-74.1556551641290716_9302_6167 Conover Avenueredacted-o8$431,100$16,571
40.809755703352-74.1558742288820716_9302_5173 Conover Avenueredacted-o8$301,800$11,601
40.809757293077-74.1561025631510716_9302_4177 Conover Avenueredacted-o8$576,600$22,164
40.809761824845-74.1563304382520716_9302_3181 Conover Avenueredacted-o8$379,400$14,584
40.809783476555-74.1565447482420716_9302_2185 Conover Avenueredacted-o8$373,900$14,372

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