// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 59 Prospect Street owned by redacted-o9 in Nutley Township, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 59 Prospect Street, Nutley Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0716_8801_5

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 59 Prospect Street, Nutley Township, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 8801, Lot: 5
Assessment (2022): $279,900
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 9,147
Area: 2189.41 acres
Perimeter: 7.94 miles
Population 2020: 30143
Pop Density 2020: 8811/sq-mi

21 neighbors in Nutley Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.810350379958-74.1701169607050716_8801_1041 Prospect Streetredacted-o8$258,800$8,733
40.810396689602-74.1704586228760716_8801_2110 Crestwood Courtredacted-o8$269,500$10,359
40.810447780014-74.1690751412110716_9000_2510 Pauline Driveredacted-o8$240,300$9,237
40.810478050495-74.1700340074030716_8801_945 Prospect Streetredacted-o8$322,600$12,400
40.810506400217-74.1692661611370716_9000_266 Pauline Driveredacted-o8$277,900$10,682
40.810575145451-74.1694452121390716_9000_2748 Prospect Streetredacted-o8$257,900$9,913
40.810606060307-74.169950833020716_8801_851 Prospect Streetredacted-o8$289,200$11,116
40.810606922558-74.1703649884640716_8801_2212 Crestwood Courtredacted-o8$294,500$11,320
40.810729467636-74.1698706485140716_8801_755 Prospect Streetredacted-o8$264,200$10,155
40.810809026297-74.1701731233730716_8801_657 Prospect Streetredacted-o8$389,300$14,964
40.810891916941-74.1697650956610716_8801_559 Prospect Streetredacted-o8$279,900$10,759
40.811014984642-74.1696851317720716_8801_463 Prospect Streetredacted-o8$266,200$10,232
40.811028139259-74.1704823932490716_8801_2462 Crestwood Avenueredacted-o8$255,000$9,802
40.811087331833-74.1700074487950716_8801_3.0161 Prospect Streetredacted-o8$503,700$19,362
40.811158345607-74.170397859590716_8801_2566 Crestwood Avenueredacted-o8$234,400$8,510
40.811189470001-74.1695717578780716_8801_269 Prospect Streetredacted-o8$290,800
40.811269761368-74.1698614000440716_8801_3.0265 Prospect Streetredacted-o8$478,500$18,393
40.811284980251-74.1703234674130716_8801_2670 Crestwood Avenueredacted-o8$251,700$9,675
40.811333776667-74.1696190104640716_8902_2171 Prospect Streetredacted-o8$184,900
40.811412170798-74.1695680728510716_8902_2073 Prospect Streetredacted-o8$224,500$8,629
40.811420116034-74.170270763760716_8801_172 Crestwood Avenueredacted-o8$390,000$14,991

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