// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 158 Beech Street owned by redacted-o9 in Nutley Township, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 158 Beech Street, Nutley Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0716_5303_38

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 158 Beech Street, Nutley Township, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 5303, Lot: 38
Assessment (2022): $280,700
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 9,147
Area: 2189.41 acres
Perimeter: 7.94 miles
Population 2020: 30143
Pop Density 2020: 8811/sq-mi

22 neighbors in Nutley Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.824447642719-74.1678610332880716_5302_170 Newman Avenueredacted-o8$323,900$12,450
40.824468533738-74.1672047853540716_5302_5147 Beech Streetredacted-o8$313,300$12,043
40.824537814311-74.1673576361530716_5302_4149 Beech Streetredacted-o8$308,200$11,847
40.824614879241-74.1675276826030716_5302_3157 Beech Streetredacted-o8$321,500$12,358
40.824694376296-74.1676978498770716_5302_2161 Beech Streetredacted-o8$310,000$11,916
40.824701583458-74.1666312423360716_5303_34142 Beech Streetredacted-o8$373,900$14,372
40.824785580127-74.1668177369830716_5303_35146 Beech Streetredacted-o8$380,200$14,614
40.82486957659-74.1670042318970716_5303_36150 Beech Streetredacted-o8$271,200$10,424
40.824925574164-74.1671285619460716_5303_37152 Beech Streetredacted-o8$224,100$8,614
40.824979966937-74.166540802440716_5303_855 Cedar Streetredacted-o8$257,800$9,909
40.824981571342-74.1672528924560716_5303_38158 Beech Streetredacted-o8$280,700$10,790
40.825035965062-74.1666651322660716_5303_759 Cedar Streetredacted-o8$270,500$10,398
40.825058774401-74.1674188372290716_5303_1162 Beech Streetredacted-o8$327,100$12,573
40.825091962685-74.1667894626230716_5303_663 Cedar Streetredacted-o8$257,300$9,890
40.825147960359-74.1669137933260716_5303_567 Cedar Streetredacted-o8$310,500$11,935
40.825203957767-74.1670381240680716_5303_471 Cedar Streetredacted-o8$225,100$8,652
40.825225019433-74.1679538521290716_5207_14187 Ridge Roadredacted-o8$326,600$12,554
40.825262055281-74.1671671170890716_5303_375 Cedar Streetredacted-o8$265,900$10,221
40.825323737321-74.1672949829790716_5303_2200 Ridge Roadredacted-o8$250,100$9,613
40.825345310233-74.1678663917830716_5207_13191 Ridge Roadredacted-o8$267,800$10,294
40.825459228099-74.1677830578160716_5207_12195 Ridge Roadredacted-o8$278,400$10,701
40.825499765229-74.1666321039180716_5304_4366 Cedar Streetredacted-o8$257,300$9,890

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