// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 361 Walnut Street owned by redacted-o9 in Nutley Township, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 361 Walnut Street, Nutley Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0716_1704_29

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 361 Walnut Street, Nutley Township, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 1704, Lot: 29
Assessment (2022): $288,300
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 9,147
Area: 2189.41 acres
Perimeter: 7.94 miles
Population 2020: 30143
Pop Density 2020: 8811/sq-mi

22 neighbors in Nutley Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.821314635856-74.1424906851530716_1600_7356 Walnut Streetredacted-o8$335,400$12,892
40.821323895512-74.1422210530330716_1600_97 Mckinley Streetredacted-o8$342,100$13,150
40.821366563151-74.1430501258880716_1705_12353 Walnut Streetredacted-o8$283,200$10,886
40.821434884211-74.1424331537470716_1600_817 Mckinley Streetredacted-o8$385,500$14,818
40.821466956413-74.1432691843480716_1705_935 Mckinley Streetredacted-o8$319,300$12,273
40.821471784274-74.1429970556650716_1705_11357 Walnut Streetredacted-o8$335,400$12,892
40.821569828135-74.142947605490716_1705_10359 Walnut Streetredacted-o8$287,300$11,043
40.821593315866-74.1434204205560716_1705_8110 North Roadredacted-o8$389,600$14,976
40.821725326162-74.1423087715810716_1601_118 Mckinley Streetredacted-o8$365,100$14,034
40.821822527224-74.1428358877160716_1704_29361 Walnut Streetredacted-o8$288,300$11,082
40.821848713114-74.1422619699950716_1601_2372 Walnut Streetredacted-o8$325,600$12,516
40.821915138046-74.1431767134820716_1704_1116 North Roadredacted-o8$379,000$14,568
40.821920266321-74.1427984754630716_1704_28363 Walnut Streetredacted-o8$291,100$11,189
40.821960854379-74.1422196252340716_1601_3376 Walnut Streetredacted-o8$379,800$14,599
40.822019165347-74.1427609020420716_1704_27365 Walnut Streetredacted-o8$254,900$9,798
40.822034879093-74.1431310168120716_1704_2120 North Roadredacted-o8$314,700$12,097
40.822118064158-74.1427233276650716_1704_26367 Walnut Streetredacted-o8$263,900$10,144
40.822143008671-74.1430899368480716_1704_3124 North Roadredacted-o8$343,100$13,188
40.822216963029-74.1426857535140716_1704_25369 Walnut Streetredacted-o8$283,300$10,890
40.822246522823-74.1430506092030716_1704_4126 North Roadredacted-o8$394,800$15,176
40.822315862003-74.1426481797110716_1704_24371 Walnut Streetredacted-o8$260,300$9,586
40.822348718636-74.1430117834250716_1704_5130 North Roadredacted-o8$297,300$11,428

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