// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 1359 Stephanie Drive owned by redacted-o9 in North Caldwell Borough, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 1359 Stephanie Drive, North Caldwell Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0715_2102_6_C1359

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 1359 Stephanie Drive, North Caldwell Borough, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 2102, Lot: 6, QCode: C1359
Assessment (2022): $359,500
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,231
Area: 1965.47 acres
Perimeter: 8.99 miles
Population 2020: 6694
Pop Density 2020: 2180/sq-mi

21 neighbors in North Caldwell Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.878689484007-74.2533753233290715_2102_6_C11491149 Stephanie Driveredacted-o8$366,700$8,416
40.87869114837-74.2532849380130715_2102_6_C11481148 Stephanie Driveredacted-o8$359,500$7,664
40.87869281232-74.2531945527260715_2102_6_C11471147 Stephanie Driveredacted-o8$371,400$7,626
40.878694476303-74.2531041679830715_2102_6_C11461146 Stephanie Driveredacted-o8$353,400$7,516
40.878696140232-74.253013782990715_2102_6_C11451145 Stephanie Driveredacted-o8$359,500$8,248
40.878835995429-74.2522227887920715_2102_6_C0523523 Stephanie Driveredacted-o8$366,900$8,184
40.878857967366-74.252309125540715_2102_6_C0522522 Stephanie Driveredacted-o8$370,500$7,846
40.878913682152-74.2529330596680715_2102_6_C12501250 Stephanie Driveredacted-o8$384,000$8,655
40.878930063529-74.2530167731250715_2102_6_C12511251 Stephanie Driveredacted-o8$378,500$7,925
40.878947945431-74.2531081582420715_2102_6_C12521252 Stephanie Driveredacted-o8$380,100$8,272
40.878964326639-74.2531918723280715_2102_6_C12531253 Stephanie Driveredacted-o8$394,400$8,203
40.878982208737-74.2532832568110715_2102_6_C12541254 Stephanie Driveredacted-o8$390,300$8,418
40.878998589568-74.2533669706650715_2102_6_C12551255 Stephanie Driveredacted-o8$402,000$9,112
40.879029829347-74.2524459897190715_2102_6Stephanie Driveredacted-o8
40.879185289588-74.252663784510715_2102_6_C13561356 Stephanie Driveredacted-o8$358,700$8,621
40.879202421544-74.2527513343440715_2102_6_C13571357 Stephanie Driveredacted-o8$360,400$8,164
40.879219553433-74.2528388842240715_2102_6_C13581358 Stephanie Driveredacted-o8$352,200$7,765
40.879236685255-74.2529264335560715_2102_6_C13591359 Stephanie Driveredacted-o8$359,500$7,959
40.87925381701-74.2530139829340715_2102_6_C13601360 Stephanie Driveredacted-o8$358,700$8,509
40.879268468795-74.2533464235040715_2102_6_C14611461 Stephanie Driveredacted-o8$366,700$8,358
40.879338889483-74.2533441402780715_2102_6_C14621462 Stephanie Driveredacted-o8$358,700$8,212

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