// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 664 Valley Road owned by redacted-o9 in Montclair Township, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 664 Valley Road, Montclair Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0713_1801_9

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 664 Valley Road, Montclair Township, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 1801, Lot: 9
Assessment (2022): $617,200
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 11,069
Area: 3996.1 acres
Perimeter: 12.57 miles
Population 2020: 40921
Pop Density 2020: 6554/sq-mi

21 neighbors in Montclair Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.844326602254-74.2065113736960713_1807_3225 Inwood Avenueredacted-o8$706,900$22,839
40.844354375094-74.2067337541660713_1807_2227 Inwood Avenueredacted-o8$782,600$25,285
40.844357592197-74.2077261731640713_1810_12658 Valley Roadredacted-o8$2,764,900$89,333
40.84435830644-74.2069417587710713_1807_1229 Inwood Avenueredacted-o8$667,400$21,563
40.844564849212-74.2066092696310713_1807_34661 Valley Roadredacted-o8$608,200$19,400
40.844641097608-74.2078950191420713_1810_13_C00036 Jerome Place C0003redacted-o8$291,700$9,424
40.844707064265-74.2065679766850713_1807_33663 Valley Roadredacted-o8$652,200$21,072
40.844722695866-74.2078355998070713_1810_13_C00026 Jerome Place C0002redacted-o8$291,700$9,424
40.84478878314-74.2077843693190713_1810_13_C00016 Jerome Place C0001redacted-o8$291,700$9,424
40.844872040436-74.2071716894230713_1801_9664 Valley Roadredacted-o8$617,200$19,941
40.844879546965-74.206486115620713_1807_32222 Fernwood Avenueredacted-o8$657,500$21,243
40.845009665058-74.2070699335640713_1801_10668 Valley Roadredacted-o8$630,900$20,384
40.845031415705-74.2074017827790713_1801_85 Jerome Placeredacted-o8$540,200$17,453
40.845085359801-74.2075340181050713_1801_77 Jerome Placeredacted-o8$464,400$15,004
40.845138033534-74.2076615806970713_1801_69 Jerome Placeredacted-o8$485,000$15,670
40.845163438431-74.2069566968260713_1801_11670 Valley Roadredacted-o8$546,700$17,663
40.84525390383-74.2072374815360713_1801_121 Fernwood Placeredacted-o8$477,500$15,428
40.845296465556-74.2068225394290713_1801_18.01672-01 Valley Roadredacted-o8$452,300$14,613
40.845308480405-74.2073704691040713_1801_135 Fernwood Placeredacted-o8$448,300$14,484
40.845361426917-74.2074998206470713_1801_147 Fernwood Placeredacted-o8$452,800$14,629
40.845396446297-74.2067439717360713_1801_18.02672-02 Valley Roadredacted-o8$480,900$15,537

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