// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 29 Norwood Terrace owned by redacted-o9 in Millburn Township, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 29 Norwood Terrace, Millburn Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0712_403_20

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 29 Norwood Terrace, Millburn Township, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 403, Lot: 20
Assessment (2023): $601,500
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 6,678
Area: 6339.71 acres
Perimeter: 15.45 miles
Population 2020: 21710
Pop Density 2020: 2192/sq-mi

23 neighbors in Millburn Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.72392780145-74.2897959726550712_402_38730 Ridgewood Roadredacted-o8$583,900$11,171
40.723983322254-74.2893233546880712_402_3326 Norwood Terraceredacted-o8$650,400$12,721
40.723999795058-74.2886797303360712_403_2421 Norwood Terraceredacted-o8$629,300$12,309
40.724097675897-74.2894231208990712_402_3428 Norwood Terraceredacted-o8$679,700$13,294
40.724109665697-74.2897846156340712_402_37728 Ridgewood Roadredacted-o8$651,100$12,735
40.724109932449-74.2887868640080712_403_2323 Norwood Terraceredacted-o8$655,300$12,817
40.724221659733-74.2888996964640712_403_2225 Norwood Terraceredacted-o8$649,400$12,702
40.724223465065-74.2895328635120712_402_3534 Norwood Terraceredacted-o8$652,800$12,768
40.724266707823-74.2884943336070712_403_1120 Oakdale Avenueredacted-o8$684,800$13,394
40.72433617925-74.2890140623980712_403_2127 Norwood Terraceredacted-o8$578,500$11,065
40.724363177759-74.2886051241850712_403_1222 Oakdale Avenueredacted-o8$595,000$11,638
40.724395239079-74.2896737461370712_402_36722 Ridgewood Roadredacted-o8$800,000$15,648
40.724459730224-74.2887148635690712_403_1324 Oakdale Avenueredacted-o8$672,500$13,154
40.724475174359-74.2891529995630712_403_2029 Norwood Terraceredacted-o8$601,500$11,765
40.724555244286-74.2888234235210712_403_1426 Oakdale Avenueredacted-o8$626,800$12,260
40.724651609-74.2889343028850712_403_1528 Oakdale Avenueredacted-o8$680,100$13,302
40.724679047053-74.2893676629740712_403_1935 Norwood Terraceredacted-o8$668,300$13,071
40.724749187914-74.2890424569460712_403_1630 Oakdale Avenueredacted-o8$612,900$11,988
40.724841525674-74.289268823590712_403_18714 Ridgewood Roadredacted-o8$646,500$12,645
40.72484221232-74.2884340910720712_404_2325 Oakdale Avenueredacted-o8$610,400$11,939
40.72490450432-74.2885048908720712_404_2227 Oakdale Avenueredacted-o8$591,000$11,559
40.724943678298-74.2891464720420712_403_17712 Ridgewood Roadredacted-o8$598,500$11,706
40.724997942399-74.2886110907650712_404_2129 Oakdale Avenueredacted-o8$490,000$9,584

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