// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 18 Cedar Gate Drive owned by redacted-o9 in Livingston Township, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 18 Cedar Gate Drive, Livingston Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0710_7600_15_C010

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 18 Cedar Gate Drive, Livingston Township, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 7600, Lot: 15, QCode: C010
Assessment (2022): $739,800
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 10,862
Area: 9037.91 acres
Perimeter: 17.49 miles
Population 2020: 31330
Pop Density 2020: 2219/sq-mi

22 neighbors in Livingston Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.767712132805-74.3020827840340710_7600_15_C0334 Cyprus Laneredacted-o8$714,300$16,528
40.767786818374-74.3021363201120710_7600_15_C0342 Cyprus Laneredacted-o8$771,400$17,850
40.767890203552-74.301705721060710_7600_15Cedar Gateredacted-o8
40.767890454591-74.3012387020930710_7600_15_C0158 Cedar Gate Driveredacted-o8$744,400$17,225
40.767914117313-74.3022343511430710_7600_15_C03517 Cedar Gate Driveredacted-o8$736,600$17,044
40.76794239433-74.3014154961420710_7600_15_C01410 Cedar Gate Driveredacted-o8$737,200$17,058
40.767974248576-74.3015192295710710_7600_15_C01312 Cedar Gate Driveredacted-o8$738,700$17,093
40.767986866351-74.302292332430710_7600_15_C03619 Cedar Gate Driveredacted-o8$715,900$16,565
40.768002381622-74.3016174019380710_7600_15_C01214 Cedar Gate Driveredacted-o8$740,100$17,125
40.768030594405-74.3017229516570710_7600_15_C01116 Cedar Gate Driveredacted-o8$792,800$18,345
40.768055992412-74.3023446810190710_7600_15_C03721 Cedar Gate Driveredacted-o8$736,400$17,040
40.768130677861-74.3023982176970710_7600_15_C03823 Cedar Gate Driveredacted-o8$739,800$17,118
40.768238303746-74.3018991610780710_7600_15_C01018 Cedar Gate Driveredacted-o8$739,800$17,118
40.768309477135-74.3018379037410710_7600_15_C00920 Cedar Gate Driveredacted-o8$720,300$16,667
40.768341798682-74.3023698601710710_7600_15_C03925 Cedar Gate Driveredacted-o8$736,600$17,044
40.768377226625-74.3017825285620710_7600_15_C00822 Cedar Gate Driveredacted-o8$717,200$16,596
40.768423536587-74.3023380969760710_7600_15_C04027 Cedar Gate Driveredacted-o8$774,600$17,924
40.768450462434-74.3017256171770710_7600_15_C00724 Cedar Gate Driveredacted-o8$739,800$17,118
40.768562658147-74.3022296701820710_7600_15_C04129 Cedar Gate Driveredacted-o8$736,600$17,044
40.768611255777-74.3016131486740710_7600_15_C00626 Cedar Gate Driveredacted-o8$766,700$17,741
40.768637681919-74.3021764747560710_7600_15_C04231 Cedar Gate Driveredacted-o8$736,600$17,044
40.768693802639-74.3016255828960710_7600_15_C00528 Cedar Gate Driveredacted-o8$755,400$17,479

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