// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 304 S Livingston Avenue owned by redacted-o9 in Livingston Township, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 304 S Livingston Avenue, Livingston Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0710_4402_6_X

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 304 S Livingston Avenue, Livingston Township, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 4402, Lot: 6, QCode: X
Assessment (2022): $4,882,400
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 10,862
Area: 9037.91 acres
Perimeter: 17.49 miles
Population 2020: 31330
Pop Density 2020: 2219/sq-mi

25 neighbors on block 4402 in Livingston Township

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.786742342083-74.3159223831970710_4402_119 Belmont Drredacted-o8$592,800$13,717
40.786674220852-74.3156573258730710_4402_217 Belmont Driveredacted-o8$573,800$13,277
40.78660823912-74.3154003231940710_4402_315 Belmont Drredacted-o8$538,400$12,458
40.786543557919-74.3151426097660710_4402_413 Belmont Drredacted-o8$496,100$11,479
40.786345097819-74.3143197423330710_4402_5290 S Livingston Avenueredacted-o8$2,675,400$61,908
40.78579676798-74.3151009945260710_4402_63 Berkeley Terraceredacted-o8$506,300
0710_4402_6_X304 S Livingston Avenueredacted-o8$4,882,400
40.784945861026-74.3142849704480710_4402_7310 S Livingston Averedacted-o8$280,700$6,495
40.784814100376-74.3143408133380710_4402_8312 S Livingston Averedacted-o8$322,300$7,208
40.784973265415-74.3146315589750710_4402_96 Berkeley Plredacted-o8$519,000$12,009
40.785062634881-74.3149409851510710_4402_1010 Berkeley Plredacted-o8$554,300$12,826
40.785152003256-74.3152504121390710_4402_1114 Berkeley Placeredacted-o8$631,100$14,603
40.785241375782-74.3155598565380710_4402_1218 Berkeley Plredacted-o8$516,200$11,694
40.785330742676-74.3158692851330710_4402_1322 Berkeley Placeredacted-o8$602,700$13,946
40.785420108837-74.3161787146820710_4402_1424 Berkeley Plredacted-o8$509,500$11,789
40.785489174683-74.3164178578030710_4402_1528 Berkeley Plredacted-o8$407,300$9,424
40.785577437661-74.3166573572770710_4402_1632 Berkeley Plredacted-o8$532,800$12,328
40.785680376526-74.316949971410710_4402_1734 Berkeley Plredacted-o8$727,500$16,834
40.78576994438-74.3172593208320710_4402_1838 Berkeley Placeredacted-o8$632,300$14,631
40.785842947211-74.3176404604430710_4402_1942 Berkeley Plredacted-o8$569,000$13,166
40.786066184883-74.3175294176050710_4402_203 Berkeley Roadredacted-o8$524,700$12,141
40.786288684608-74.3174193509120710_4402_211 Berkeley Roadredacted-o8$583,800$13,509
40.786122299951-74.3171155120690710_4402_229 Berkeley Terredacted-o8$554,000$12,819
40.786044663131-74.3168646120410710_4402_237 Berkeley Terraceredacted-o8$526,000$12,171
40.785990415716-74.3165929714470710_4402_245 Berkeley Terredacted-o8$544,700$12,604

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