// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 35 Ellery Ave. owned by redacted-o9 in Irvington Township, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 35 Ellery Ave., Irvington Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0709_8_12

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 35 Ellery Ave., Irvington Township, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 8, Lot: 12
Assessment (2022): $146,500
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 10,038
Area: 1865.24 acres
Perimeter: 8.54 miles
Population 2020: 61176
Pop Density 2020: 20991/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Irvington Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.728029812981-74.2427515987660709_8_1717 Ellery Ave.redacted-o8$135,300$8,089
40.728132457403-74.2427618069430709_8_1621 Ellery Ave.redacted-o8$128,200$7,665
40.728174558431-74.2431395423940709_8_28102-04 Florence Ave.redacted-o8$140,000$8,370
40.728235101829-74.242772015590709_8_1523 Ellery Ave.redacted-o8$221,600$6,881
40.728337746229-74.2427822239410709_8_1427 Ellery Ave.redacted-o8$113,300$6,774
40.728341165348-74.2431591311270709_8_30106 Florence Ave.redacted-o8$143,000$8,549
40.728419534292-74.2422042820810709_10_2030 Sanford Terr.redacted-o8$141,300$8,198
40.728423272802-74.243167437030709_8_31108 Florence Ave.redacted-o8$189,100$11,306
40.728457499574-74.2427941339770709_8_1329 Ellery Ave.redacted-o8$155,200$9,279
40.72846292277-74.2423545149520709_10_2132 Sanford Terr.redacted-o8$150,900$9,022
40.728505380291-74.243175742340709_8_32110 Florence Ave.redacted-o8$138,800$8,298
40.728577249646-74.2428060437640709_8_1235 Ellery Ave.redacted-o8$146,500$8,759
40.728587487748-74.2431840487790709_8_33112 Florence Ave.redacted-o8$182,700$10,923
40.728679894045-74.2428162520760709_8_1137 Ellery Ave.redacted-o8$118,100$7,061
40.728727496759-74.2421127944010709_10_331 Clinton Terr.redacted-o8$140,000$8,370
40.728748162274-74.2422453141530709_10_235 Clinton Terr.redacted-o8$241,100$14,415
40.728751702901-74.2432006600980709_8_35116 Florence Ave.redacted-o8$205,300$12,274
40.728782538442-74.2428264607060709_8_1039 Ellery Ave.redacted-o8$181,000$10,822
40.728790498374-74.2423872160180709_10_137 Clinton Terr.redacted-o8$187,300$11,198
40.728833810362-74.2432089663980709_8_36118 Florence Ave.redacted-o8$167,700$10,026
40.728885182833-74.2428366691310709_8_943 Ellery Ave.redacted-o8$138,500$8,280
40.728915917868-74.243217272080709_8_37120 Florence Ave.redacted-o8$156,900$9,381
40.72900493626-74.2428485791490709_8_845 Ellery Ave.redacted-o8$169,200$10,116
40.729008290557-74.2432266166250709_8_38122 Florence Ave.redacted-o8$123,900$7,407
40.729110924956-74.2432369996580709_8_39124 Florence Ave.redacted-o8$213,900$12,789

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