// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 16 Gifford Pl. owned by redacted-o9 in Irvington Township, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 16 Gifford Pl., Irvington Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0709_43_4_X

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 16 Gifford Pl., Irvington Township, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 43, Lot: 4, QCode: X
Assessment (2022): $70,000
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 10,038
Area: 1865.24 acres
Perimeter: 8.54 miles
Population 2020: 61176
Pop Density 2020: 20991/sq-mi

21 neighbors on block 43 in Irvington Township

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.734844760146-74.2350892974470709_43_134 Hillside Terr.redacted-o8$156,400$9,351
40.73490206258-74.2346737599580709_43_2126 W. Allen St.redacted-o8$287,600$13,159
40.735239323781-74.2346326978720709_43_317 Gifford Pl.redacted-o8$173,200$10,355
40.735567521242-74.2344422359530709_43_416 Gifford Pl.redacted-o8$70,000$3,935
0709_43_4_X16 Gifford Pl.redacted-o8$70,000
40.735530703202-74.2343208554930709_43_514 Gifford Pl.redacted-o8$126,900$7,587
40.735492941151-74.2342098813280709_43_612 Gifford Pl.redacted-o8$112,600$6,732
40.735460591693-74.2340947919470709_43_710 Gifford Pl.redacted-o8$135,300$8,089
40.735428241951-74.2339797023550709_43_88 Gifford Pl.redacted-o8$135,900$8,125
40.735395892299-74.2338646129310709_43_96 Gifford Pl.redacted-o8$145,500$8,699
40.735363542356-74.2337495238910709_43_104 Gifford Pl.redacted-o8$134,500$8,041
40.735332664949-74.2336266124560709_43_112 Gifford Pl.redacted-o8$137,300$8,209
40.735082929052-74.2338492052230709_43_12339 Stuyvesant Ave.redacted-o8$134,500$8,041
40.734987898643-74.2339173476130709_43_13343 Stuyvesant Ave.redacted-o8$69,400$4,149
40.735089109867-74.2340624788850709_43_145 Gifford Pl.redacted-o8$128,500$7,683
40.735121366859-74.234178214910709_43_157 Gifford Pl.redacted-o8$134,100$8,017
40.735153403835-74.2342934406370709_43_169 Gifford Pl.redacted-o8$139,500$8,340
40.735185258777-74.2344079971170709_43_1711 Gifford Pl.redacted-o8$129,500$7,742
40.735206891204-74.234526240930709_43_1815 Gifford Pl.redacted-o8$160,700$9,608
40.734747649135-74.2341275129310709_43_19345 Stuyvesant Ave.redacted-o8$725,000$43,347
40.734825059476-74.2344086918430709_43_20120 W. Allen St.redacted-o8$202,800$12,125

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