// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 928-30 Chancellor Ave. owned by redacted-o9 in Irvington Township, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 928-30 Chancellor Ave., Irvington Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0709_353_13

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 928-30 Chancellor Ave., Irvington Township, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 353, Lot: 13
Assessment (2022): $277,500
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 10,038
Area: 1865.24 acres
Perimeter: 8.54 miles
Population 2020: 61176
Pop Density 2020: 20991/sq-mi

22 neighbors in Irvington Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.719461043886-74.2465478145680709_353_3528 Leslie Pl.redacted-o8$126,600$7,569
40.719525359253-74.2466602980760709_353_3632 Leslie Pl.redacted-o8$150,900$9,022
40.719599981186-74.2467908081590709_353_3734 Leslie Pl.redacted-o8$134,200$7,773
40.719677899601-74.2461778973890709_353_17912 Chancellor Ave.redacted-o8$164,400$9,829
40.719696453494-74.2469595342810709_353_3838 Leslie Pl.redacted-o8$168,800$10,092
40.719758973813-74.2463234625350709_353_16916-18 Chancellor Ave.redacted-o8$171,900$10,277
40.7197805576-74.2471066296480709_353_3944 Leslie Pl.redacted-o8$124,700$7,455
40.719830030348-74.2471931566590709_353_4046 Leslie Pl.redacted-o8$123,000$7,104
40.719840047663-74.2464690279090709_353_15922 Chancellor Ave.redacted-o8$136,800$8,179
40.719878101479-74.2472772317120709_353_4148 Leslie Pl.redacted-o8$127,700$7,635
40.719921121049-74.2466145941320709_353_14924-926 Chancellor Ave.redacted-o8$129,700$7,754
40.719933016056-74.2473732765680709_353_4250 Leslie Pl.redacted-o8$137,500$8,221
40.719987930899-74.2474693213560709_353_4354 Leslie Pl.redacted-o8$128,300$7,671
40.720001790512-74.2467594348070709_353_13928-30 Chancellor Ave.redacted-o8$277,500$16,591
40.720062232921-74.246867959660709_353_12932 Chancellor Ave.redacted-o8$230,500$7,396
40.720122993359-74.2469770551940709_353_11934 Chancellor Ave.redacted-o8$190,900$11,413
40.720204066415-74.2471226222440709_353_10938 Chancellor Ave.redacted-o8$136,200$8,143
40.720285138916-74.247268189650709_353_9942-944 Chancellor Averedacted-o8$157,800$9,184
40.720381336285-74.2461808348580709_354_50925-927 Chancellor Averedacted-o8$152,800$9,135
40.720386402683-74.2474500121250709_353_8946-950 Chancellor Averedacted-o8$113,100$6,762
40.720449061694-74.2462944920440709_354_51929 Chancellor Ave.redacted-o8$143,000$8,549
40.72054188774-74.2463467374810709_354_52931 Chancellor Ave.redacted-o8$234,600$14,026

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