// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 262 Nesbit Terr. owned by redacted-o9 in Irvington Township, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 262 Nesbit Terr., Irvington Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0709_317_30

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 262 Nesbit Terr., Irvington Township, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 317, Lot: 30
Assessment (2022): $142,300
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 10,038
Area: 1865.24 acres
Perimeter: 8.54 miles
Population 2020: 61176
Pop Density 2020: 20991/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Irvington Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.716288178802-74.2455817178210709_317_24274 Nesbit Terr.redacted-o8$162,300$9,203
40.716357278435-74.2449632230520709_317_10315 Park Pl.redacted-o8$158,000$9,446
40.716377593976-74.2454979643560709_317_25272 Nesbit Terr.redacted-o8$153,800$9,195
40.716446693344-74.2448794688590709_317_9313 Park Pl.redacted-o8$135,600$8,107
40.716467009338-74.2454142113070709_317_26270 Nesbit Terr.redacted-o8$185,500$11,091
40.716536108002-74.2447957142570709_317_8311 Park Pl.redacted-o8$126,700$7,575
40.716556424489-74.2453304571980709_317_27268 Nesbit Terr.redacted-o8$140,500$8,400
40.716625522849-74.2447119600710709_317_7309 Park Pl.redacted-o8$128,200$7,665
40.716645839907-74.2452467036320709_317_28266 Nesbit Terr.redacted-o8$216,500$8,382
40.716714937252-74.2446282050310709_317_6307 Park Pl.redacted-o8$227,800$12,125
40.71673525471-74.2451629492010709_317_29264 Nesbit Terr.redacted-o8$129,400$7,736
40.716784437255-74.2445077266020709_317_5305 Park Pl.redacted-o8$108,300$6,475
40.71682466994-74.2450791953220709_317_30262 Nesbit Terr.redacted-o8$142,300$8,508
40.716873851555-74.2444239710970709_317_4303 Park Pl.redacted-o8$129,300$7,730
40.716914084652-74.2449954403960709_317_31260 Nesbit Terr.redacted-o8$137,000$8,191
40.716929120167-74.2457842588590709_316_15265 Nesbit Terr.redacted-o8$193,000$11,539
40.716993340824-74.2446443123750709_317_252 Glorieux St.redacted-o8$133,900$8,005
40.717008234339-74.2456768066680709_316_14263 Nesbit Terr.redacted-o8$125,600$7,509
40.717023414194-74.244948409360709_317_32258 Nesbit Terr.redacted-o8$140,700$8,412
40.717094880161-74.2455895790680709_316_13261 Nesbit Terr.redacted-o8$142,100$8,496
40.717112828897-74.2448646544120709_317_33256 Nesbit Terr.redacted-o8$148,700$8,890
40.717181721011-74.245501099830709_316_12259 Nesbit Terr.redacted-o8$118,200$7,067
40.717202243899-74.2447808991510709_317_1254 Nesbit Terr.redacted-o8$174,000$10,403
40.71726856094-74.2454126203220709_316_11257 Nesbit Terr.redacted-o8$142,300$6,134
40.717355400842-74.2453241416110709_316_10255 Nesbit Terr.redacted-o8$123,500$7,384

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