// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 141 Berkshire Pl. owned by redacted-o9 in Irvington Township, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 141 Berkshire Pl., Irvington Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0709_261_9

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 141 Berkshire Pl., Irvington Township, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 261, Lot: 9
Assessment (2022): $101,400
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 10,038
Area: 1865.24 acres
Perimeter: 8.54 miles
Population 2020: 61176
Pop Density 2020: 20991/sq-mi

22 neighbors in Irvington Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.714971636355-74.2348898405850709_260_518-22 Campfield Stredacted-o8$242,100$14,475
40.715027812685-74.2351261898970709_260_314-18 Sheridan St.redacted-o8$210,000$12,555
40.715074916325-74.2356924530210709_261_1423 Sheridan St.redacted-o8$56,700$3,390
40.715155590741-74.2356127368950709_261_1319 Sheridan St.redacted-o8$125,800$7,521
40.715228304068-74.2349340604070709_260_42-12 Sheridan Streetredacted-o8$160,000$9,566
40.715235645067-74.2355365927810709_261_1217 Sheridan St.redacted-o8$122,100$7,300
40.715309180954-74.2359118610160709_261_222 Osborne Pl.redacted-o8$103,000$6,158
40.715335546224-74.2354595287420709_261_1115 Sheridan St.redacted-o8$146,900$8,783
40.715386225687-74.2358366726440709_261_318 Osborne Pl.redacted-o8$126,900$7,587
40.71542466902-74.2352231330580709_261_10139 Berkshire Pl.redacted-o8$139,100$8,316
40.715471110464-74.2357486907530709_261_416 Osborne Pl.redacted-o8$137,400$8,215
40.715511094861-74.2353020257340709_261_9141 Berkshire Pl.redacted-o8$101,400$5,562
40.71555704422-74.2356760335360709_261_510 Osborne Pl.redacted-o8$127,200$7,605
40.715582659991-74.2353862772370709_261_8143 Berkshire Pl.redacted-o8$201,900$12,071
40.715654227221-74.23547052660709_261_7145 Berkshire Pl.redacted-o8$110,400$6,600
40.715725793504-74.2355547772580709_261_6147 Berkshire Pl.redacted-o8$158,300$9,464
40.715868701355-74.2350332128440709_254_22142 Berkshire Pl.redacted-o8$176,600$10,558
40.715892847977-74.234631413250709_257_1132 Berkshire Pl.redacted-o8$190,600$11,395
40.715899776305-74.2357596678490709_262_14155 Berkshire Pl.redacted-o8$101,700$6,080
40.715971735465-74.2358444240130709_262_13159 Berkshire Pl.redacted-o8$99,700$5,961
40.71601674131-74.2351219140860709_254_2152 Campfield St.redacted-o8$124,600$7,449
40.71604369482-74.2359291806710709_262_12163 Berkshire Pl.redacted-o8$116,500$6,715

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