// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 7 Hathaway Place owned by redacted-o9 in Glen Ridge Borough, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 7 Hathaway Place, Glen Ridge Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0708_97_8

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 7 Hathaway Place, Glen Ridge Borough, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 97, Lot: 8
Assessment (2022): $559,400
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,347
Area: 815.79 acres
Perimeter: 7.20 miles
Population 2020: 7802
Pop Density 2020: 6121/sq-mi

23 neighbors in Glen Ridge Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.809946388372-74.2023660782820708_97_132 Laurel Placeredacted-o8$444,200$14,414
40.810027060265-74.2026300624980708_97_146 Laurel Placeredacted-o8$555,600$18,029
40.810036687324-74.2028075413850708_97_158 Laurel Placeredacted-o8$550,500$17,613
40.810045485479-74.2029878062780708_97_1610 Laurel Placeredacted-o8$465,600$15,108
40.810054283354-74.203168071220708_97_1712 Laurel Placeredacted-o8$486,700$15,793
40.810063080798-74.2033483365230708_97_1814 Laurel Placeredacted-o8$478,300$15,520
40.810083518699-74.2023578686790708_97_12166 Sherman Avenueredacted-o8$508,600$16,273
40.810220654793-74.202349641760708_97_11168 Sherman Avenueredacted-o8$589,900$19,142
40.810301766013-74.2026157093450708_97_95 Hathaway Placeredacted-o8$436,800$14,174
40.810311152286-74.2027953060450708_97_87 Hathaway Placeredacted-o8$559,400$18,152
40.810319950399-74.2029755720080708_97_79 Hathaway Placeredacted-o8$507,100$16,455
40.810328748146-74.2031558380030708_97_611 Hathaway Placeredacted-o8$509,900$16,546
40.81033754576-74.2033361037350708_97_515 Hathaway Placeredacted-o8$559,000$18,139
40.810346343088-74.2035163695070708_97_417 Hathaway Placeredacted-o8$494,900$16,059
40.810357675958-74.2023408263140708_97_10174 Sherman Avenueredacted-o8$516,900$16,773
40.810631795615-74.2023225033610708_92_112 Hathaway Placeredacted-o8$506,100$16,422
40.810718767315-74.2025861018270708_92_106 Hathaway Placeredacted-o8$462,800$15,017
40.810730345436-74.2027676441140708_92_98 Hathaway Placeredacted-o8$477,200$15,485
40.810739438121-74.2029478537250708_92_810 Hathaway Placeredacted-o8$460,600$14,946
40.810750854362-74.2031264133370708_92_714 Hathaway Placeredacted-o8$485,500$15,754
40.810761549819-74.2033065178290708_92_620 Hathaway Placeredacted-o8$462,000$14,991
40.810771315339-74.2023138199870708_92_12186 Sherman Avenueredacted-o8$489,100$15,871
40.810772244696-74.2034866219710708_92_532 Hathaway Placeredacted-o8$450,100$14,605

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