// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 38 Adams Place owned by redacted-o9 in Glen Ridge Borough, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 38 Adams Place, Glen Ridge Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0708_19_43

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 38 Adams Place, Glen Ridge Borough, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 19, Lot: 43
Assessment (2022): $619,900
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,347
Area: 815.79 acres
Perimeter: 7.20 miles
Population 2020: 7802
Pop Density 2020: 6121/sq-mi

24 neighbors in Glen Ridge Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.789241149784-74.2103321663320708_19_2917 Madison Streetredacted-o8$470,700$15,274
40.789302477439-74.2104638516140708_19_4219 Madison Streetredacted-o8$509,900$16,546
40.789364704886-74.2105980305990708_19_621 Madison Streetredacted-o8$485,100$15,741
40.78942416996-74.2107259865340708_19_2823 Madison Streetredacted-o8$502,900$16,319
40.789432625833-74.2100121721330708_19_5.046 Adams Placeredacted-o8$497,200$16,134
40.789483430013-74.2108538584430708_19_125 Madison Streetredacted-o8$504,600$16,374
40.789489232987-74.2101359623140708_19_5.058 Adams Placeredacted-o8$464,000$15,056
40.789543112917-74.2109819353580708_19_4.0127 Madison Streetredacted-o8$468,500$14,952
40.789549816623-74.210268447990708_19_5.0110 Adams Placeredacted-o8$472,400$15,329
40.789610032238-74.2111011484420708_19_3729 Madison Streetredacted-o8$491,600$15,952
40.789611487964-74.210403314210708_19_4414 Adams Placeredacted-o8$484,300$15,086
40.789666635133-74.2112249340370708_19_3631 Madison Streetredacted-o8$491,400$15,945
40.789670252951-74.2105318241340708_19_3318 Adams Placeredacted-o8$501,900$16,286
40.789723229154-74.2113487345550708_19_2233 Madison Streetredacted-o8$497,800$16,153
40.789758329584-74.2107244361340708_19_4338 Adams Placeredacted-o8$619,900$20,115
40.789856077651-74.21091316660708_19_3.0242 Adams Placeredacted-o8$509,900$16,296
40.789919600083-74.211054403090708_19_746 Adams Placeredacted-o8$491,600$15,952
40.789982422857-74.2111940851280708_19_2748 Adams Placeredacted-o8$496,800$16,121
40.789998513084-74.210058958460708_28_1711 Adams Placeredacted-o8$502,500$16,306
40.790038484846-74.2103591683090708_28_183 Astor Placeredacted-o8$555,800$18,035
40.790044283357-74.2113455179480708_19_252 Adams Placeredacted-o8$505,600$16,406
40.790192626301-74.2102384388960708_28_197 Astor Placeredacted-o8$548,500$16,812
40.790255434908-74.2108312842020708_22_1951 Adams Placeredacted-o8$502,400$16,302
40.790291623584-74.2100516398680708_28_111 Astor Placeredacted-o8$580,300$18,830

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