// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 323 Glenwood Ave. owned by redacted-o9 in East Orange, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 323 Glenwood Ave., East Orange, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0705_851_16

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 323 Glenwood Ave., East Orange, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 851, Lot: 16
Assessment (2022): $467,000
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 10,340
Area: 2513.94 acres
Perimeter: 9.27 miles
Population 2020: 69612
Pop Density 2020: 17722/sq-mi

23 neighbors in East Orange whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.778705734099-74.2108758583450705_620_12308 Glenwood Ave.redacted-o8$406,200$11,325
40.778708309832-74.2117964039740705_851_8299 Glenwood Averedacted-o8$301,900$8,804
40.778777350816-74.21171664350705_851_9301 Glenwood Ave.redacted-o8$386,700$9,995
40.778784650487-74.2108123510450705_620_13310 Glenwood Ave.redacted-o8$343,100$10,478
40.778839645803-74.2116431842540705_851_10305 Glenwood Ave.redacted-o8$276,100$10,040
40.778850786318-74.2107372965780705_620_14314 Glenwood Ave.redacted-o8$358,500$10,184
40.778901629571-74.2115719693050705_851_11307 Glenwood Ave.redacted-o8$405,300$10,333
40.778933593391-74.2106090439940705_620_15316 Glenwood Ave.redacted-o8$361,800$11,320
40.77896283786-74.2115002920730705_851_12309 Glenwood Ave.redacted-o8$382,500$11,309
40.779015065138-74.2106429174910705_620_16318 Glenwood Ave.redacted-o8$240,700$10,671
40.779025083685-74.2114285363920705_851_13311 Glenwood Ave.redacted-o8$369,300$11,242
40.779081037851-74.2105676379920705_620_17320 Glenwood Ave.redacted-o8$362,400$9,984
40.779086117987-74.2118379010280705_851_2132 Crescent Rd.redacted-o8$264,200$8,632
40.779087175741-74.2113555452470705_851_14315 Glenwood Ave.redacted-o8$455,300$10,522
40.77914696645-74.2104849986320705_620_18324 Glenwood Ave.redacted-o8$356,700$10,788
40.77914957529-74.211282742880705_851_15317 Glenwood Ave.redacted-o8$374,300$11,458
40.77917684266-74.2117339419480705_851_2036 Crescent Rd.redacted-o8$300,700$8,948
40.77922114625-74.2112000256790705_851_16323 Glenwood Ave.redacted-o8$467,000$12,273
40.779266590124-74.2116288846520705_851_1940 Crescent Rd.redacted-o8$256,400$9,186
40.779302783975-74.2111039399660705_851_16.01319 Glenwood Ave.redacted-o8$584,400$13,702
40.779358815447-74.2115227452240705_851_1842 Crescent Rd.redacted-o8$322,200$10,162
40.779457723281-74.2114025779740705_851_1746 Crescent Rd.redacted-o8$345,300$11,807
40.779765629846-74.2115847849680705_852_2Glenwood Avenue Lotredacted-o8$207,200

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