// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 275 Rhode Island Ave owned by redacted-o9 in East Orange, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 275 Rhode Island Ave, East Orange, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0705_772_14

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 275 Rhode Island Ave, East Orange, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 772, Lot: 14
Assessment (2022): $328,400
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 10,340
Area: 2513.94 acres
Perimeter: 9.27 miles
Population 2020: 69612
Pop Density 2020: 17722/sq-mi

27 neighbors in East Orange whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.75305725794-74.2265341980830705_772_1081 Telford St.redacted-o8$311,300$7,580
40.753062487044-74.2269269382570705_772_2080 Crawford St.redacted-o8$302,200$8,677
40.753138372678-74.2258931436520705_771_1672 Telford St.redacted-o8$367,500$10,793
40.753160434757-74.2264732981560705_772_11.0177 Telford St.redacted-o8$254,300$6,992
40.753184595357-74.2268552708650705_772_1978 Crawford St.redacted-o8$348,100$9,081
40.753285509723-74.2263999561380705_772_1173 Telford St.redacted-o8$369,700$10,195
40.753309933328-74.2267814049340705_772_1872 Crawford Street Lotredacted-o8$79,600$2,426
40.753360534611-74.2258786223730705_771_15.02255 Rhode Island Averedacted-o8$418,800$12,273
40.753389192788-74.2267352849910705_772_1770 Crawford St.redacted-o8$222,700$6,172
40.753451855784-74.2266979925440705_772_1668 Crawford St.redacted-o8$319,000$8,987
40.753452497187-74.2261533508820705_772_12265 Rhode Island Averedacted-o8$331,100$9,464
40.753488632711-74.2262566905210705_772_13.01267-267a Rhode Island Averedacted-o8$188,300$5,108
40.753531165291-74.2263807037620705_772_13271 Rhode Island Averedacted-o8$480,000$10,173
40.753558831536-74.2272284909260705_773_17.0169 Crawford Street Lotredacted-o8$48,200$2,354
40.753580501971-74.2265255301260705_772_14275 Rhode Island Averedacted-o8$328,400$11,408
40.753621023736-74.2271919296240705_773_1767 Crawford Street Lotredacted-o8$48,200$2,354
40.753636749024-74.2266890547050705_772_15279 Rhode Island Averedacted-o8$338,400$11,403
40.753748854867-74.2270185574280705_773_18283 Rhode Island Averedacted-o8$82,200$2,498
40.753792358466-74.2271437637720705_773_19289 Rhode Island Averedacted-o8$264,700$7,901
40.753820387411-74.2272256259250705_773_20291 Rhode Island Averedacted-o8$285,400
40.753829712444-74.2260812404670705_741_32.0255 Telford St.redacted-o8$233,500$6,139
40.753916382802-74.2260364218250705_741_3253 Telford St.redacted-o8$244,200$6,361
40.753983738765-74.2262377557460705_741_32.04274 Rhode Island Averedacted-o8$276,600$6,538
40.754001427299-74.2259892177280705_741_32.0149 Telford St.redacted-o8$232,600$6,078
40.754018601309-74.2263404920720705_741_32.03276 Rhode Island Averedacted-o8$299,800$6,239
40.754065210546-74.2264672567680705_741_31278 Rhode Island Averedacted-o8$215,300$6,028
40.754091302469-74.2259607932350705_741_147 Telford St.redacted-o8$261,300$7,242

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