// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 49 No. 15th St. owned by redacted-o9 in East Orange, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 49 No. 15th St., East Orange, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0705_53_1

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 49 No. 15th St., East Orange, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 53, Lot: 1
Assessment (2022): $62,000
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 10,340
Area: 2513.94 acres
Perimeter: 9.27 miles
Population 2020: 69612
Pop Density 2020: 17722/sq-mi

30 neighbors in East Orange whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.757267886108-74.1978084813080705_50_3131 Eaton Pl.redacted-o8$454,500$13,049
40.757291802809-74.1978932487750705_50_3033 Eaton Pl.redacted-o8$61,000$2,327
40.757316273569-74.1979778860240705_50_2935 Eaton Pl.redacted-o8$61,200$2,332
40.75739559456-74.1967248876070705_52_494 Eaton Pl.redacted-o8$938,200$22,164
40.757426073647-74.1968555451460705_52_486 Eaton Pl.redacted-o8$315,000$8,676
40.757450781943-74.1969401355370705_52_478 Eaton Pl.redacted-o8$326,700$8,621
40.757504973122-74.1972313548250705_53_5218 Eaton Pl.redacted-o8$3,000$83
40.757524878184-74.1972991699650705_53_5120 Eaton Pl.redacted-o8$199,700$6,300
40.757544172225-74.1973674224770705_53_5022 Eaton Pl.redacted-o8$221,000$5,762
40.757564063949-74.1974342445110705_53_4924 Eaton Pl.redacted-o8$221,100$6,133
40.757577808181-74.1967378423650705_52_4652 No. 15th St.redacted-o8$412,300$7,186
40.75757880546-74.1977379602150705_53_472 No. 16th St.redacted-o8$263,800$6,881
40.757583357309-74.1975010511340705_53_4826 Eaton Pl.redacted-o8$205,200$6,172
40.757637695676-74.1977058153190705_53_464 No. 16th St.redacted-o8$248,800$6,737
40.757645959978-74.1966924367420705_52_4556 No. 15th St.redacted-o8$62,500
40.757670559574-74.1972999453460705_53_149 No. 15th St.redacted-o8$62,000
40.757693617497-74.1976768557410705_53_456 No. 16th St.redacted-o8$228,800$6,494
40.75774191275-74.1972653307060705_53_251 No. 15th St.redacted-o8$63,000$2,382
40.757749709039-74.1976475878220705_53_448 No. 16th St.redacted-o8$219,500$6,549
40.757755857921-74.1966349277980705_52_4358 No. 15th St.redacted-o8$68,800$2,105
40.757819647377-74.1976105981940705_53_4310 No. 16th St.redacted-o8$277,400$8,012
40.757852241458-74.1972063134750705_53_353 No. 15th St.redacted-o8$68,300$2,105
40.757903222661-74.1975680218340705_53_4212 No. 16th St.redacted-o8$344,900$12,677
40.75795892-74.1971512843270705_53_557 No. 15th St.redacted-o8$62,400$2,366
40.757992513301-74.1975213532380705_53_4114 No. 16th St.redacted-o8$401,700$11,791
40.758029952914-74.197113510430705_53_659 No. 15th St.redacted-o8$372,100$8,577
40.758083501999-74.1974739175490705_53_4016 No. 16th St.redacted-o8$323,500$8,909
40.758102252542-74.1970769955180705_53_763 No. 15th St.redacted-o8$62,500
40.758167176337-74.1974305231620705_53_3920 No. 16th St.redacted-o8$269,600$7,785
40.758173579917-74.1970396997860705_53_865 No. 15th St.redacted-o8$382,300$9,242

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