// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 518 So. Clinton St. owned by redacted-o9 in East Orange, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 518 So. Clinton St., East Orange, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0705_460_7

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 518 So. Clinton St., East Orange, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 460, Lot: 7
Assessment (2022): $362,800
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 10,340
Area: 2513.94 acres
Perimeter: 9.27 miles
Population 2020: 69612
Pop Density 2020: 17722/sq-mi

27 neighbors in East Orange whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.747930546382-74.2258348718320705_460_4534 So. Clinton St.redacted-o8$306,500$7,901
40.748019323643-74.2254250437310705_460_5.05139 Brookwood St.redacted-o8$335,600$9,763
40.74805959432-74.2258123557750705_460_5.02530 So. Clinton St.redacted-o8$380,400$9,342
40.748134352179-74.2257634141560705_460_5.01528 So. Clinton St.redacted-o8$424,200$6,261
40.748151435009-74.2253530623690705_460_5135 Brookwood St.redacted-o8$343,400$8,865
40.748209279803-74.2257174900950705_460_5.04526 So. Clinton St.redacted-o8$336,900$10,189
40.748283606082-74.2256779260890705_460_5.03524 So. Clinton St.redacted-o8$254,300$6,643
40.748293805238-74.2254706523150705_460_6So. Clinton Street Lotredacted-o8$14,400
40.748311106351-74.2252640897340705_460_7.03131 Brookwood St.redacted-o8$298,700$10,029
40.748368596259-74.2262835901570705_462_27527 So. Clinton St.redacted-o8$292,800$8,067
40.748393532453-74.2252156465530705_460_7.04129 Brookwood St.redacted-o8$411,100$8,666
40.748441822698-74.2255838470610705_460_7518 So. Clinton St.redacted-o8$362,800$9,524
40.74847582123-74.2251699914440705_460_7.02127 Brookwood St.redacted-o8$383,900$10,455
40.748557903183-74.2251193323950705_460_8.06123 Brookwood St.redacted-o8$437,500$11,115
40.748564889175-74.2255101544050705_460_7.01516 So. Clinton St.redacted-o8$331,800$8,815
40.748640577399-74.2250714719990705_460_8.01121 Brookwood St.redacted-o8$398,800$9,336
40.748651771966-74.2261184924810705_461_38517 So. Clinton St.redacted-o8$300,100$6,992
40.748657370698-74.2254567602590705_460_8.05512 So. Clinton St.redacted-o8$334,600$8,993
40.748713900309-74.2260820761680705_461_37515 So. Clinton St.redacted-o8$268,700$7,729
40.748718787494-74.2250221107190705_460_8.03119 Brookwood St.redacted-o8$97,600
40.748738682562-74.2254080334750705_460_8.04510 So. Clinton St.redacted-o8$312,600$8,970
40.748776284903-74.2260447332530705_461_36513 So. Clinton St.redacted-o8$407,600$10,727
40.748818864669-74.2253614309980705_460_8.02508 So. Clinton St.redacted-o8$98,400
40.748838728861-74.226008165960705_461_35511 So. Clinton St.redacted-o8$297,000$5,058
40.748900836267-74.2259721324010705_461_34509 So. Clinton St.redacted-o8$272,600$7,402
40.748928530669-74.2252995434760705_460_9504 So. Clinton St.redacted-o8$164,900
40.748974893704-74.2259284457390705_461_33507 So. Clinton St.redacted-o8$383,700$9,048

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