// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 103 No. Walnut St. owned by redacted-o9 in East Orange, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 103 No. Walnut St., East Orange, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0705_363_5_X

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 103 No. Walnut St., East Orange, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 363, Lot: 5, QCode: X
Assessment (2022): $3,070,900
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 10,340
Area: 2513.94 acres
Perimeter: 9.27 miles
Population 2020: 69612
Pop Density 2020: 17722/sq-mi

26 neighbors on block 363 in East Orange

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.765281466616-74.2115787336420705_363_175 No. Walnut St.redacted-o8$4,132,900$110,110
40.76555618934-74.2114787092720705_363_283 No. Walnut St.redacted-o8$297,500
40.765724999794-74.2113293152460705_363_393 No. Walnut St.redacted-o8$379,200$7,009
40.765911020374-74.2111793984230705_363_495 No. Walnut St.redacted-o8$3,477,500$29,716
40.766146633306-74.2111149714250705_363_5103 No. Walnut St.redacted-o8$858,000$30,475
0705_363_5_X103 No. Walnut St.redacted-o8$3,070,900
40.766444920284-74.2108918929670705_363_6111 No. Walnut St.redacted-o8$598,900$12,772
40.766646477509-74.2114709301530705_363_6.0198-104 No. Clinton St.redacted-o8$786,800$28,048
40.766593200917-74.2105877445670705_363_7121 No. Walnut St.redacted-o8$3,234,900$67,600
40.766827766714-74.2103984075150705_363_8129 No. Walnut St.redacted-o8$3,952,000$99,738
40.767156215687-74.2110042017340705_363_9118 No. Clinton St.redacted-o8$362,500$11,309
40.767041540509-74.2111071017430705_363_9.01116 No. Clinton St.redacted-o8$367,400$10,527
40.766970230816-74.2107712708540705_363_9.0239 Summit St.redacted-o8$371,100$10,349
40.766929704898-74.211214161320705_363_10110 No. Clinton St.redacted-o8$278,600$7,363
40.766816353842-74.2113153644940705_363_11108 No. Clinton St.redacted-o8$345,200$8,317
40.766372447799-74.2116923581010705_363_1288-A No. Clinton St.redacted-o8$97,900$2,061
40.76647841016-74.2116384661430705_363_12.0194 No. Clinton St.redacted-o8$322,800$9,951
40.76628864513-74.2118131750080705_363_1388 No. Clinton St.redacted-o8$296,200$8,389
40.766094791978-74.2118859971450705_363_1482-86 No. Clinton Stredacted-o8$803,100$21,055
40.765881857142-74.2120806171090705_363_1576 No. Clinton St.redacted-o8$417,300$14,711
40.765633644111-74.2126238101420705_363_16430 William St.redacted-o8$323,900$7,314
40.765816803178-74.2124617032790705_363_16.0170 No. Clinton St.redacted-o8$272,000$7,929
40.765591046076-74.2123474510420705_363_17426 William St.redacted-o8$322,400$10,134
40.765512848203-74.2121808655530705_363_18420 William St.redacted-o8$352,500$8,771
40.765454279844-74.2120320298060705_363_19418 William St.redacted-o8$238,300$5,468
40.765398167188-74.211886275620705_363_20414 William St.redacted-o8$287,300$7,895

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