// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 76 Lafayette Ave. owned by redacted-o9 in East Orange, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 76 Lafayette Ave., East Orange, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0705_316_6

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 76 Lafayette Ave., East Orange, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 316, Lot: 6
Assessment (2022): $311,400
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 10,340
Area: 2513.94 acres
Perimeter: 9.27 miles
Population 2020: 69612
Pop Density 2020: 17722/sq-mi

24 neighbors in East Orange whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.773642233501-74.1988916973120705_302_3.0161 Lafayette Ave.redacted-o8$320,500$10,316
40.773687696523-74.19969589330705_302_1428 Monroe Ave.redacted-o8$305,300$9,635
40.773713025555-74.1990475697070705_302_369 Lafayette Ave.redacted-o8$344,100$11,508
40.773783452547-74.1992026618440705_302_471 Lafayette Ave.redacted-o8$314,400$9,979
40.773853629677-74.1993570615920705_302_575 Lafayette Ave.redacted-o8$367,400$11,209
40.77389778053-74.1983969306140705_316_1058 Lafayette Ave.redacted-o8$346,200$11,187
40.773923321138-74.1995105374820705_302_679 Lafayette Ave.redacted-o8$315,700$10,439
40.773968115812-74.1985528914260705_316_962 Lafayette Ave.redacted-o8$371,700$12,190
40.773993824437-74.1996652741460705_302_783 Lafayette Ave.redacted-o8$372,300$11,774
40.774038446256-74.1987076570040705_316_868 Lafayette Ave.redacted-o8$315,900$9,901
40.774108806387-74.1988624349150705_316_772 Lafayette Ave.redacted-o8$304,500$10,921
40.774179145913-74.1990173740240705_316_676 Lafayette Ave.redacted-o8$311,400$11,181
40.774204915739-74.1983705667910705_316_12.0211 Madison Ave.redacted-o8$318,200$11,525
40.774249564444-74.1991722595610705_316_582 Lafayette Ave.redacted-o8$332,600$10,960
40.774275129608-74.1985254361110705_316_12.1015 Madison Ave.redacted-o8$326,700$10,582
40.774319944873-74.1993271770560705_316_484 Lafayette Ave.redacted-o8$397,100$12,611
40.77434543528-74.1986801808810705_316_12.0719 Madison Ave.redacted-o8$348,200$11,131
40.774390332898-74.1994820520780705_316_388 Lafayette Ave.redacted-o8$436,700$12,611
40.77441575763-74.1988350415180705_316_12.0623 Madison Ave.redacted-o8$309,000$10,239
40.774460787417-74.1996370884550705_316_292 Lafayette Ave.redacted-o8$445,600$12,389
40.774486099883-74.198989917610705_316_12.0527 Madison Ave.redacted-o8$347,600$9,680
40.774556323185-74.1991447740690705_316_12.0831 Madison Ave.redacted-o8$421,000$10,727
40.774626759447-74.1992995163990705_316_12.0435 Madison Ave.redacted-o8$330,900$10,200
40.774699589123-74.1983994049910705_315_3.1320 Madison Ave.redacted-o8$269,500$10,605

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