// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 118 Steuben St. owned by redacted-o9 in East Orange, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 118 Steuben St., East Orange, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0705_22_18

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 118 Steuben St., East Orange, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 22, Lot: 18
Assessment (2022): $312,400
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 10,340
Area: 2513.94 acres
Perimeter: 9.27 miles
Population 2020: 69612
Pop Density 2020: 17722/sq-mi

27 neighbors in East Orange whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.752276345921-74.2025067397880705_22_26134 Steuben St.redacted-o8$292,000$7,541
40.752279214205-74.2021175246210705_22_10.0115 S 17th Stredacted-o8$341,400$11,397
40.752339852877-74.202475350430705_22_25132 Steuben St.redacted-o8$65,000$2,631
40.752354316292-74.202082057510705_22_1013 S 17th Stredacted-o8$365,900$4,720
40.752404781912-74.2024452889450705_22_24130 Steuben St.redacted-o8$276,500$7,563
40.752430978885-74.2020450300830705_22_1111 S 17th Stredacted-o8$65,700$1,939
40.752468016736-74.2024119357020705_22_23128 Steuben St.redacted-o8$315,400$9,879
40.752500780076-74.2020086151210705_22_129 S 17th Stredacted-o8$342,400$9,198
40.752532449644-74.2023822439120705_22_22126 Steuben St.redacted-o8$277,800$4,144
40.752608509473-74.2023438609610705_22_21124 Steuben St.redacted-o8$401,100$5,923
40.752627219315-74.2017999282870705_22_1335 Ninth Ave.redacted-o8$373,700$9,935
40.752650560154-74.2018842280870705_22_1437 Ninth Ave.redacted-o8$315,100$9,901
40.752674484585-74.2019695299610705_22_1541 Ninth Ave.redacted-o8$331,400$10,151
40.752675256579-74.202314064590705_22_20122 Steuben Street Lotredacted-o8$48,400
40.752698873783-74.2020580746940705_22_1643 Ninth Ave.redacted-o8$72,400
40.752711005937-74.2029552130880705_21_15123-25 Steuben St.redacted-o8$281,800$8,516
40.752719385597-74.2022878349350705_22_19120 Steuben Street Lotredacted-o8$48,400
40.752777181461-74.2022607680420705_22_18118 Steuben St.redacted-o8$312,400$10,394
40.752848525209-74.2022259683710705_22_17116 Steuben St.redacted-o8$278,900$8,959
40.752881511977-74.2027271010150705_21_1657-59 Ninth Ave.redacted-o8$436,900$9,419
40.752927159773-74.2028953090530705_21_16.0161-63 Ninth Ave.redacted-o8$363,200$11,359
40.753092621377-74.2020412416790705_32_45108 Steuben St.redacted-o8$385,600$9,436
40.753174971399-74.2020032103830705_32_44106 Steuben St.redacted-o8$275,600$8,256
40.753217869457-74.2026240614640705_31.01_1.0258 Ninth Ave.redacted-o8$180,300$8,882
40.753257376801-74.2019736909690705_32_43104 Steuben St.redacted-o8$376,800$11,325
40.753264867333-74.2026144171920705_31.01_1.01107 Steuben St.redacted-o8$191,400$6,582
40.753319591306-74.2025977042320705_31.01_1105 Steuben St.redacted-o8$187,600$6,953

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