// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 90 Watson Ave. owned by redacted-o9 in East Orange, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 90 Watson Ave., East Orange, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0705_216_4

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 90 Watson Ave., East Orange, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 216, Lot: 4
Assessment (2022): $373,800
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 10,340
Area: 2513.94 acres
Perimeter: 9.27 miles
Population 2020: 69612
Pop Density 2020: 17722/sq-mi

26 neighbors in East Orange whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.749891847664-74.2140568455940705_215_9Wilcox Avenue Lotredacted-o8$800
40.749946459487-74.2131909595830705_216_5265 Whittlesey Ave.redacted-o8$383,100$8,693
40.750041181672-74.2135325303640705_216_1100 Watson Ave.redacted-o8$439,800$13,946
40.750050357999-74.2131269740740705_216_5163 Whittlesey Ave.redacted-o8$303,200$8,494
40.750134342459-74.2134736659420705_216_296 Watson Ave.redacted-o8$363,400$9,840
40.75015599178-74.2130644996840705_216_5061 Whittlesey Ave.redacted-o8$360,500$9,203
40.750208603467-74.2140199193470705_217_4650 Wilcox Ave.redacted-o8$368,500$8,860
40.750236725834-74.213414113940705_216_392 Watson Ave.redacted-o8$356,100$8,632
40.750261116619-74.2130035749480705_216_4959 Whittlesey Ave.redacted-o8$403,300$11,420
40.750314371346-74.2139619514260705_217_4595 Watson Ave.redacted-o8$373,900$12,683
40.750341423915-74.2133519539350705_216_490 Watson Ave.redacted-o8$373,800$8,527
40.75037040477-74.2129400026070705_216_4857 Whittlesey Ave.redacted-o8$353,500$9,009
40.750422553618-74.2138992069970705_217_4491 Watson Ave.redacted-o8$312,800$8,339
40.75044806474-74.2132905415260705_216_586 Watson Ave.redacted-o8$408,100$9,148
40.750474475618-74.2128779022770705_216_4755 Whittlesey Ave.redacted-o8$384,500$9,513
40.750530348994-74.2138352113360705_217_4387 Watson Ave.redacted-o8$408,900$9,513
40.750556371556-74.2132267019830705_216_682 Watson Ave.redacted-o8$319,200$9,386
40.750576388054-74.2128182926930705_216_4651 Whittlesey Ave.redacted-o8$403,300$8,721
40.750638233242-74.2137726116520705_217_4285 Watson Ave.redacted-o8$382,800$9,874
40.750665352937-74.2131638940750705_216_778 Watson Ave.redacted-o8$363,200$8,970
40.750713221502-74.2127390479260705_216_4547 Whittlesey Ave.redacted-o8$279,600$8,621
40.750743019879-74.2137117932330705_217_4181 Watson Ave.redacted-o8$330,600$9,469
40.750774179717-74.2131001515420705_216_876 Watson Ave.redacted-o8$421,400$12,688
40.750841930164-74.2136504404350705_217_4077 Watson Ave.redacted-o8$375,000$9,314
40.750845122577-74.2126611721340705_216_4443 Whittlesey Ave.redacted-o8$346,800$8,782
40.750879334699-74.2130387547430705_216_974 Watson Ave.redacted-o8$343,300$9,053

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