// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 54 Clara Place owned by redacted-o9 in Cedar Grove Township, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 54 Clara Place, Cedar Grove Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0704_67_1

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 54 Clara Place, Cedar Grove Township, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 67, Lot: 1
Assessment (2022): $433,500
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 4,112
Area: 2789.5 acres
Perimeter: 10.28 miles
Population 2020: 12980
Pop Density 2020: 2978/sq-mi

20 neighbors in Cedar Grove Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.844968834142-74.2313025979270704_66_2443 Clara Placeredacted-o8$379,300$9,607
40.845025418815-74.2314830425930704_66_2547 Clara Placeredacted-o8$314,500$7,966
40.845124049885-74.2317287789030704_66_2734 David Roadredacted-o8$278,700$6,712
40.845212576445-74.2322880782090704_68_831 David Roadredacted-o8$262,000$6,636
40.845276175126-74.2308944206960704_67_538 Clara Placeredacted-o8$312,800$7,923
40.84533359781-74.231074370520704_67_442 Clara Placeredacted-o8$367,200$9,301
40.845340870781-74.232223528810704_68_935 David Roadredacted-o8$281,200$7,122
40.845391021571-74.2312543192670704_67_346 Clara Placeredacted-o8$268,200$6,793
40.845448444232-74.2314342726880704_67_250 Clara Placeredacted-o8$333,600$8,450
40.84546916616-74.2321589847980704_68_1039 David Roadredacted-o8$303,100$7,677
40.845506831384-74.2316148540410704_67_154 Clara Placeredacted-o8$433,500$10,980
40.84559746057-74.2320944377690704_68_1143 David Roadredacted-o8$298,400$7,558
40.845599496706-74.2309754654220704_67_2255 Sweetwood Driveredacted-o8$378,900$9,237
40.84565460158-74.231148857170704_67_2359 Sweetwood Driveredacted-o8$330,600$8,124
40.84570970659-74.2313222466620704_67_2463 Sweetwood Driveredacted-o8$367,900$9,318
40.845725755497-74.2320298935190704_68_1247 David Roadredacted-o8$286,500$7,257
40.84576439788-74.231491026730704_67_2567 Sweetwood Driveredacted-o8$286,300$7,251
40.845854049836-74.231965341980704_68_1351 David Roadredacted-o8$300,800$7,619
40.8459892567-74.2319019909660704_68_1455 David Roadredacted-o8$340,500$8,624
40.846043116668-74.2309456671650704_68_1958 Sweetwood Driveredacted-o8$315,000$7,978

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