// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 56-62 Mill Street owned by redacted-o9 in Belleville Township, Essex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 56-62 Mill Street, Belleville Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0701_8502_19_B01

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 56-62 Mill Street, Belleville Township, New Jersey
County: Essex
Block: 8502, Lot: 19, QCode: B01
Assessment (2022): $1,800
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 9,823
Area: 2156.04 acres
Perimeter: 9.42 miles
Population 2020: 38222
Pop Density 2020: 11346/sq-mi

21 neighbors on block 8502 in Belleville Township

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.781641437821-74.1539410332140701_8502_116 Washington Avenueredacted-o8$449,800$17,069
40.78176850686-74.1538431707190701_8502_220-22 Washington Avenueredacted-o8$112,500$4,269
40.781788801458-74.153584934190701_8502_2.0120-22 Washington Ave. Intredacted-o8$46,700$1,772
40.782039759483-74.1537867886910701_8502_430 Washington Avenueredacted-o8$381,400$14,474
40.782177772298-74.153751762830701_8502_532 Washington Avenueredacted-o8$136,300$5,172
40.782289689648-74.1537286282610701_8502_636 Washington Avenueredacted-o8$89,800$3,407
40.78237456282-74.1537088690570701_8502_738 Washington Avenueredacted-o8$394,800$14,982
40.782454882043-74.153685608780701_8502_840 Washington Avenueredacted-o8$457,700$17,369
40.782333634988-74.1534892122980701_8502_910 Cleveland Streetredacted-o8$114,400$4,341
40.782319798084-74.1533549061490701_8502_1013-15 Cleveland Streetredacted-o8$561,100$21,293
40.782264942472-74.1532709931210701_8502_10.0111a Cleveland Streetredacted-o8$1,600$60
40.782305087604-74.1532134235580701_8502_1111 Cleveland Streetredacted-o8$270,300$10,257
40.782295894767-74.1531240117740701_8502_129 Cleveland Streetredacted-o8$176,000$6,679
40.782287903411-74.1529974898130701_8502_137 Cleveland Streetredacted-o8$300,200$11,392
40.782168059449-74.1528463505020701_8502_143 Cleveland Streetredacted-o8$358,700$13,612
40.781704109915-74.1532889126790701_8502_1956-62 Mill Streetredacted-o8$762,400$28,933
0701_8502_19_B0156-62 Mill Streetredacted-o8$1,800$68
40.781578413003-74.1536374883210701_8502_2066 Mill Streetredacted-o8$297,500$11,290
40.781606948328-74.1537647827430701_8502_2168 Mill Streetredacted-o8$647,200$24,561
40.782121594333-74.1534468129210701_8502_2232 Washington Avenue Rrredacted-o8$119,500$4,535
40.782030146188-74.1531635082380701_8502_237-11 Cleveland St. Rearredacted-o8$40,500$1,536

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