// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 805 Archer St owned by redacted-o9 in Millville, Cumberland County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 805 Archer St, Millville, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0610_298_3

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 805 Archer St, Millville, New Jersey
County: Cumberland
Block: 298, Lot: 3
Assessment (2023): $44,300
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 13,878
Area: 28483.2 acres
Perimeter: 29.36 miles
Population 2020: 27491
Pop Density 2020: 618/sq-mi

23 neighbors in Millville whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.40373097574-75.0431752904080610_299_4230 Green St Wredacted-o8$58,200$2,265
39.403789864804-75.043097803680610_299_3228 Green St Wredacted-o8$60,000$2,335
39.40383680905-75.0428330982010610_299_2800 Archer Stredacted-o8$64,700$2,518
39.403885286454-75.0421475465620610_305_1710 Dock Stredacted-o8$17,500
39.403954570211-75.0429759629790610_299_1806 Archer Stredacted-o8$115,100$4,479
39.40407822935-75.0431792358250610_299_22812 Archer Stredacted-o8$14,100$548
39.404128363202-75.0424035515770610_298_1801 Archer Stredacted-o8$70,100$2,728
39.404177016459-75.0424598533010610_298_2803 Archer Stredacted-o8$73,800$2,872
39.40422252946-75.0425151703460610_298_3805 Archer Stredacted-o8$44,300$1,724
39.404267746084-75.0425701258030610_298_4807 Archer Stredacted-o8$46,800$1,821
39.404314434581-75.0426268686740610_298_5809 Archer Stredacted-o8$63,800$2,483
39.40435955947-75.0422299911760610_298_31800 Dock Stredacted-o8$49,200$1,914
39.404360190385-75.0426844556140610_298_6811 Archer Stredacted-o8$56,900$2,214
39.404469273616-75.0427155878560610_298_7813-815 Archer Stredacted-o8$116,000$4,514
39.404471193389-75.0422871558590610_298_30802 Dock Stredacted-o8$45,800$1,782
39.404573216015-75.0422996135260610_298_29804-806 Dock Stredacted-o8$103,700$4,036
39.404584928377-75.0429554319350610_298_11819 Archer Stredacted-o8$12,500
39.404586176383-75.0427863627850610_298_9817 Archer Stredacted-o8$69,200$2,693
39.404620596483-75.04183865810610_297_2026 Green St Wredacted-o8$119,600$4,654
39.404637353192-75.0430185757570610_298_12821 Archer Stredacted-o8$12,500
39.404673561334-75.0423100629330610_298_27808 Dock Stredacted-o8$63,500$2,471
39.404709021499-75.0431053330530610_298_13825 Archer Stredacted-o8$72,200$2,810
39.404738398895-75.0423150755340610_298_26810 Dock Stredacted-o8$62,000$2,413

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