// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 585 Shiloh Pike owned by redacted-o9 in Hopewell Township, Cumberland County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 585 Shiloh Pike, Hopewell Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0607_51_13

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 585 Shiloh Pike, Hopewell Township, New Jersey
County: Cumberland
Block: 51, Lot: 13
Assessment (2023): $184,700
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,365
Area: 19771.9 acres
Perimeter: 36.84 miles
Population 2020: 4391
Pop Density 2020: 142/sq-mi

22 neighbors on block 51 in Hopewell Township

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.438332118385-75.2587277824490607_51_118 Stell Streetredacted-o8$29,500$1,023
39.438129224271-75.2589128668980607_51_216 Stell Streetredacted-o8$29,500$1,023
39.437912791648-75.2591114746920607_51_314 Stell Streetredacted-o8$122,700$4,257
39.437689879348-75.2593175861780607_51_3.0112 Stell Stredacted-o8$29,500$1,023
39.437319996728-75.2594348386980607_51_4563 Shiloh Pikeredacted-o8$107,100$3,466
39.437475022559-75.259720359610607_51_5567 Shiloh Pikeredacted-o8$124,400$4,316
39.437690022085-75.2599530401530607_51_6569 Shiloh Pikeredacted-o8$107,900$3,744
39.438295631739-75.2593970606760607_51_6.0126 Valentine Roadredacted-o8$205,100$7,116
39.438207694576-75.2599059478110607_51_7571 Shiloh Pikeredacted-o8$451,800$15,677
39.438335006289-75.2600919126810607_51_8573 Shiloh Pikeredacted-o8$136,800$4,746
0607_51_10Valentine Roadredacted-o8$37,100$1,287
39.438255753889-75.2609735514320607_51_11577 Shiloh Pikeredacted-o8$301,600$10,465
0607_51_13585 Shiloh Pikeredacted-o8$184,700$6,409
39.439086105593-75.2614886793690607_51_13_QFARMShiloh Pikeredacted-o8
39.439262645833-75.2623784412360607_51_14591 Shiloh Pikeredacted-o8$323,500$11,225
39.440040039694-75.262134282950607_51_15Shiloh Pikeredacted-o8$58,900$2,043
39.439498143514-75.2628150040870607_51_16593 Shiloh Pikeredacted-o8$666,200$23,117
39.44032061222-75.2646497648970607_51_17621 Shiloh Pikeredacted-o8$511,200$17,738
39.439797026597-75.2636844959410607_51_17.01619 Shiloh Pikeredacted-o8$1,685,800$58,497
39.440583927855-75.2634588468240607_51_17.02Valentine Laneredacted-o8$115,500$4,007
0607_51_17.03Shiloh Pikeredacted-o8$104,200$3,615
39.441092490386-75.2643981645180607_51_19262 W Park Driveredacted-o8$130,400$4,524

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