// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 773 Haleyville Rd owned by redacted-o9 in Downe Township, Cumberland County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 773 Haleyville Rd, Downe Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0604_30_5_QFARM

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 773 Haleyville Rd, Downe Township, New Jersey
County: Cumberland
Block: 30, Lot: 5, QCode: QFARM
Assessment (2023): $8,200
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,195
Area: 34050.4 acres
Perimeter: 46.87 miles
Population 2020: 1399
Pop Density 2020: 26/sq-mi

23 neighbors on block 30 in Downe Township

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.273523923362-75.0972092584340604_30_1550 Church Stredacted-o8$656,500$17,285
39.278637152401-75.0919456898870604_30_2566-690 Church Stredacted-o8$63,200$1,688
39.278333490579-75.0856894046960604_30_3Cedar Creekredacted-o8$10,000$267
39.279308410643-75.0824433319380604_30_4649-725 Haleyville Rdredacted-o8$196,600
39.278481334709-75.0786542543660604_30_5773 Haleyville Rdredacted-o8$212,200$5,417
0604_30_5_QFARM773 Haleyville Rdredacted-o8$8,200$219
39.274965137167-75.08626808060604_30_6643 Haleyville Rdredacted-o8$160,100$4,276
39.273352208288-75.0863789417810604_30_7623 Haleyville Rdredacted-o8$16,800$448
39.273841607768-75.0855939512920604_30_7.01627 Haleyville Roadredacted-o8$101,000$2,697
39.273589313865-75.0858067679420604_30_7.02625 Haleyville Roadredacted-o8$40,000$1,068
39.274470767662-75.0905827210690604_30_8Mill Crk, D Crkredacted-o8$5,200$138
39.272274091505-75.0896573199150604_30_10585 Haleyville Rdredacted-o8$45,400$1,212
39.272337901644-75.0901729988860604_30_11583 Haleyville Rdredacted-o8$75,000$2,003
39.272717091305-75.0902993055090604_30_12579 Haleyville Rdredacted-o8$149,900$4,003
0604_30_12.01577 Haleyville Rdredacted-o8$241,800$6,458
0604_30_12.02549 Haleyville Rdredacted-o8$187,500$5,008
39.271775112358-75.091760726520604_30_13573 Haleyville Rdredacted-o8$223,500$5,719
39.271668288782-75.0920719095320604_30_14571 Haleyville Rdredacted-o8$126,600$3,381
39.271515072916-75.092520870180604_30_15565 Haleyville Rdredacted-o8$144,800$3,617
39.271325391133-75.0930445360590604_30_16561 Haleyville Rdredacted-o8$131,500$3,512
39.270835111336-75.0932509540120604_30_17553 Haleyville Rdredacted-o8$78,200$2,088
39.272555848694-75.0940562777890604_30_18545 Haleyville Rdredacted-o8$7,900$211
39.270563030239-75.0950309352250604_30_19521-543 Haleyville Rdredacted-o8$1,700$45

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