// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 140 Skimmer La owned by redacted-o9 in Upper Township, Cape_May County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 140 Skimmer La, Upper Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0511_599_16_C140

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 140 Skimmer La, Upper Township, New Jersey
County: Cape_May
Block: 599, Lot: 16, QCode: C140
Assessment (2023): $93,800
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 13,407
Area: 43785.1 acres
Perimeter: 49.63 miles
Population 2020: 12539
Pop Density 2020: 183/sq-mi

24 neighbors in Upper Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.254099132219-74.6567661761640511_599_16_C133133 Skimmer Laredacted-o8$94,100$2,053
39.254165936339-74.6568570011040511_599_16_C134134 Skimmer Laredacted-o8$85,700$1,869
39.254220703777-74.6569618723040511_599_16_C135135 Skimmer Laredacted-o8$85,100$1,856
39.254286692243-74.6570465616650511_599_16_C136136 Skimmer Laredacted-o8$84,800$1,850
39.254361988099-74.6566464119740511_599_16_C144144 Skimmer Laredacted-o8$83,800$1,828
39.254366719321-74.65711410720511_599_16_C137137 Skimmer Laredacted-o8$85,100$1,856
39.254416978578-74.6567533545970511_599_16_C145145 Skimmer Laredacted-o8$81,300$1,773
39.254446629569-74.6571827673180511_599_16_C138138 Skimmer Laredacted-o8$84,000$1,832
39.254483234767-74.6568397409870511_599_16_C146146 Skimmer Laredacted-o8$94,500$2,062
39.254526598085-74.6572512819390511_599_16_C139139 Skimmer Laredacted-o8$85,600$1,867
39.254561727511-74.6569080634550511_599_16_C147147 Skimmer Laredacted-o8$73,500$1,603
39.254606627826-74.6573197118010511_599_16_C140140 Skimmer Laredacted-o8$93,800$2,046
39.254641757396-74.656976492790511_599_16_C148148 Skimmer Laredacted-o8$81,700$1,782
39.254674969416-74.6566142074390511_599_16_C157157 Heron Laredacted-o8$84,600$1,845
39.254689391396-74.6573907631160511_599_16_C141141 Skimmer Laredacted-o8$100,300$2,188
39.254721787185-74.6570449226880511_599_16_C149149 Skimmer Laredacted-o8$84,700$1,848
39.254754999472-74.6566826365510511_599_16_C156156 Heron Laredacted-o8$77,800$1,697
39.25480181704-74.6571133525070511_599_16_C150150 Skimmer Laredacted-o8$85,400$1,863
39.254835029487-74.6567510658190511_599_16_C155155 Heron Laredacted-o8$84,300$1,839
39.254879925727-74.6571805263230511_599_16_C151151 Skimmer Laredacted-o8$86,200$1,880
39.25491505946-74.6568194952430511_599_16_C154154 Heron Laredacted-o8$84,600$1,845
39.254995089392-74.6568879248220511_599_16_C153153 Heron Laredacted-o8$78,900$1,721
39.25507638991-74.6569566819580511_599_16_C152152 Heron Laredacted-o8$93,900$2,048
39.255113812562-74.6575390293040511_599_17419 Rt Us 9 Soredacted-o8$201,100$4,388

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