// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 25 Bank Rd owned by redacted-o9 in Upper Township, Cape_May County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 25 Bank Rd, Upper Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0511_599_16_C025

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 25 Bank Rd, Upper Township, New Jersey
County: Cape_May
Block: 599, Lot: 16, QCode: C025
Assessment (2023): $97,800
Effective BFE (100-year storm) NAVD88: 9'
Effective Flood Zone: AE

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 13,407
Area: 43785.1 acres
Perimeter: 49.63 miles
Population 2020: 12539
Pop Density 2020: 183/sq-mi

27 neighbors in Upper Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.251052422079-74.656770490690511_599_16_C01616 Bank Rdredacted-o8$97,800$2,134
39.251101935744-74.6566645593740511_599_16_C01717 Bank Rdredacted-o8$92,300$2,013
39.251151449511-74.6565586279250511_599_16_C01818 Bank Rdredacted-o8$96,700$2,110
39.251219045997-74.6564295813030511_599_16_C01919 Bank Rdredacted-o8$77,300$1,686
39.2512483446-74.6569164619150511_599_16_C01515 Bank Rdredacted-o8$91,900$2,005
39.251318923813-74.6563453873970511_599_16_C02020 Bank Rdredacted-o8$94,000$2,051
39.251338769241-74.6567653987720511_599_16_C02525 Bank Rdredacted-o8$97,800$2,134
39.251398902807-74.6562768630090511_599_16_C02121 Bank Rdredacted-o8$80,300$1,752
39.251399292058-74.6570389308870511_599_16_C01414 Bank Rdredacted-o8$90,500$1,974
39.251400933471-74.656660816040511_599_16_C02626 Bank Rdredacted-o8$78,900$1,721
39.251478086125-74.6565800968070511_599_16_C02727 Bank Rdredacted-o8$80,400$1,754
39.25147888221-74.6562083384670511_599_16_C02222 Bank Rdredacted-o8$80,200$1,749
39.251549292589-74.6565096726040511_599_16_C02828 Bank Rdredacted-o8$89,100$1,944
39.251550239472-74.6571614001990511_599_16_C01313 Bank Rdredacted-o8$102,700$2,240
39.251556047149-74.6561353725830511_599_16_C02323 Bank Rdredacted-o8$79,800$1,741
39.2515781498-74.656689787590511_599_16_C03030 S Lake Drredacted-o8$85,000$1,854
39.25162469038-74.6568236143960511_599_16_C03131 S Lake Drredacted-o8$92,900$2,027
39.251629814303-74.6564274398580511_599_16_C02929 Bank Rdredacted-o8$80,400$1,754
39.251680570885-74.6569529561520511_599_16_C03232 S Lake Drredacted-o8$81,500$1,778
39.251707719762-74.65727562220511_599_16_C01212 Bank Rdredacted-o8$75,300$1,643
39.25175260693-74.6570367624350511_599_16_C03333 S Lake Drredacted-o8$84,700$1,848
39.251813937929-74.6565313236850511_599_16_C06666 S Lake Drredacted-o8$138,800$3,028
39.251814783858-74.6563700201840511_599_16_C06767 S Lake Drredacted-o8$142,100$3,100
39.251839815738-74.6562042950780511_599_16_C06868 S Lake Drredacted-o8$125,400$2,736
39.251845553298-74.6566841373070511_599_16_C06565 S Lake Drredacted-o8$131,700$2,873
39.251846862878-74.6571034352690511_599_16_C03434 S Lake Drredacted-o8$78,200$1,706
39.251863607927-74.6573867607150511_599_16_C01111 Bank Rdredacted-o8$82,700$1,804

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