// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 1731 Rt Us 9 So #130 owned by redacted-o9 in Upper Township, Cape_May County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 1731 Rt Us 9 So #130, Upper Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0511_567_27_C130

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 1731 Rt Us 9 So #130, Upper Township, New Jersey
County: Cape_May
Block: 567, Lot: 27, QCode: C130
Assessment (2023): $278,200
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 13,407
Area: 43785.1 acres
Perimeter: 49.63 miles
Population 2020: 12539
Pop Density 2020: 183/sq-mi

24 neighbors in Upper Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.221706868101-74.6860668796160511_567_27_C1361731 Rt Us 9 So #136redacted-o8$278,200$6,070
39.221731187449-74.6865036282680511_567_27_C0791731 Rt Us 9 So #79redacted-o8$286,900$6,260
39.221757544171-74.6859714049010511_567_27_C1371731 Rt Us 9 So #137redacted-o8$286,900$6,260
39.221789057348-74.6865920866210511_567_27_C0781731 Rt Us 9 So #78redacted-o8$278,300$5,822
39.221796862723-74.6858830059510511_567_27_C1381731 Rt Us 9 So #138redacted-o8$286,900$6,260
39.221835163798-74.6857784337250511_567_27_C1391731 Rt Us 9 So #139redacted-o8$278,200$6,070
39.221946672505-74.6868305818670511_567_27_C1351731 Rt Us 9 So #135redacted-o8$278,200$5,820
39.222004721589-74.6867423178270511_567_27_C1341731 Rt Us 9 So #134redacted-o8$286,900$6,260
39.222060497117-74.6866700146480511_567_27_C1331731 Rt Us 9 So #133redacted-o8$286,900$6,260
39.222122662281-74.6865894280810511_567_27_C1321731 Rt Us 9 So #132redacted-o8$286,900$6,260
39.222178437835-74.6865171242290511_567_27_C1311731 Rt Us 9 So #131redacted-o8$286,900$6,260
39.222220788374-74.6871374599480511_567_27_C0771731 Rt Us 9 So #77redacted-o8$278,200$6,070
39.222246608462-74.686441764880511_567_27_C1301731 Rt Us 9 So #130redacted-o8$278,200$5,820
39.222381698558-74.6862666415920511_567_27_C1291731 Rt Us 9 So #129redacted-o8$278,200$6,070
39.222433020194-74.6869706803810511_567_27_C1201731 Rt Us 9 So #120redacted-o8$278,200$6,070
39.222436861301-74.6857546611420511_567_27_C1051731 Rt Us 9 So #105redacted-o8$278,200$5,820
39.222439747465-74.6861783764870511_567_27_C1281731 Rt Us 9 So #128redacted-o8$286,900$6,260
39.222495522311-74.686106071770511_567_27_C1271731 Rt Us 9 So #127redacted-o8$286,900$6,260
39.222501191093-74.6868953214760511_567_27_C1211731 Rt Us 9 So #121redacted-o8$286,900$6,260
39.222556967051-74.6868230173780511_567_27_C1221731 Rt Us 9 So #122redacted-o8$286,900$6,260
39.22256369284-74.6860307116050511_567_27_C1261731 Rt Us 9 So #126redacted-o8$278,200$6,070
39.222619132082-74.6867424299220511_567_27_C1231731 Rt Us 9 So #123redacted-o8$285,800$6,236
39.222674907968-74.6866701263530511_567_27_C1241731 Rt Us 9 So #124redacted-o8$286,900$6,260
39.222732956821-74.6865818611040511_567_27_C1251731 Rt Us 9 So #125redacted-o8$278,200$5,820

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