// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. Mt Pleas/Tucka Rd Rear owned by redacted-o9 in Upper Township, Cape_May County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, Mt Pleas/Tucka Rd Rear, Upper Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0511_247_10

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: Mt Pleas/Tucka Rd Rear, Upper Township, New Jersey
County: Cape_May
Block: 247, Lot: 10
Assessment (2023): $17,000
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 13,407
Area: 43785.1 acres
Perimeter: 49.63 miles
Population 2020: 12539
Pop Density 2020: 183/sq-mi

28 neighbors on block 247 in Upper Township

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.239302728651-74.7879376572960511_247_1Nr Woodbineredacted-o8$262,000
39.237867877476-74.7855979512170511_247_2Denns/Ptsbg Rdredacted-o8$306,000
39.23151241647-74.7775418003190511_247_3Denns/Ptsbg Rdredacted-o8$130,000
39.232129466954-74.7760042963270511_247_4Denns/Ptsbg Rdredacted-o8$91,400$2,050
39.241503314252-74.7832101434550511_247_5Nr Woodbineredacted-o8$187,300
39.249330507446-74.7840667587810511_247_8Conrail Lineredacted-o8$4,200
0511_247_9Denns/Ptsbg Rdredacted-o8$1,898,800$42,590
39.249138451685-74.7712493483280511_247_9_Q0007Denns/Ptsbg Rdredacted-o8$67,500$1,514
0511_247_10Mt Pleas/Tucka Rd Rearredacted-o8$17,000$381
39.254264474355-74.7646469009330511_247_10_Q0007Mt Pleas/Tucka Rd Rearredacted-o8$9,600$215
39.258463240551-74.7753102761530511_247_11Mt Pleas/Tucka Rdredacted-o8$90,500
39.269270881582-74.7669521189470511_247_12Tuckahoe Highlandsredacted-o8$346,300
39.266179519794-74.7605988204580511_247_13Denns/Ptsbg Rdredacted-o8$29,800
39.267199030144-74.7597125992710511_247_14.011000 Mt Pleas/Tucka Rdredacted-o8$182,300$4,088
39.2667318748-74.7598004056710511_247_14.02980 Mt Pleas/Tucka Rdredacted-o8$9,800$219
39.272695251117-74.7601415960090511_247_15Mt Pleas/Tucka Rdredacted-o8$228,900
39.274959541357-74.7606139034890511_247_161300 Mt Pleas/Tucka Rdredacted-o8$560,200$12,565
39.277874928369-74.7635907702720511_247_17Denns/Ptsbg Rdredacted-o8$92,600
39.279503279668-74.7657789883570511_247_18Adjacent To Rrredacted-o8$17,500
39.283601129195-74.7638470820130511_247_19_Q0024Mill Rd (rear)redacted-o8$200$4
39.279886630193-74.7583189423860511_247_201400 Mt Pleas/Tucka Rdredacted-o8$460,100$10,320
39.280263370959-74.7560177652320511_247_21Mt Pleas/Tucka Rdredacted-o8$32,200
39.284283575957-74.756280153090511_247_29Denns/Ptsbg Rdredacted-o8$28,300
39.283790003493-74.7585641025770511_247_301590 Mt Pleas/Tucka Rdredacted-o8$351,100$7,875
39.282980428913-74.7584897883670511_247_30_Q00081590 Mt Pleas/Tucka Rdredacted-o8$3,100$69
39.286323720994-74.7594028666230511_247_32_Q0008Off Mill Rd & Rrredacted-o8$11,400$255

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